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F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - Printable Version

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F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - snorin2 - 03-21-2023

I am rotating my F20 Touch cushions (I use each one, every third day) and I am also being very careful with the cleaning---- so as to allow the foam to recover.  And it's working.  I think I am getting the equivalent of 3 months use per cushion.

But, even though the 90 use cushion looks and feels perfect (no cuts etc in the foam), I notice that I get large leaks (over 25 lt/min) according to Oscar---continuously while and every time I use that cushion.  The whole session is clouded grey indicating the large leak and from there, there are spikes and platforms in the 30/40/45 range!   BUT WHAT IS INTERESTING IS:  I cannot sense the leak--anywhere (bottom, side or nose etc).  I can't feel the leak at all. I am guessing the the air is leaking right through the foam and being disbursed so evenly, I am unable to detect the leak.

On the other hand, a newer cushion, substituted into the rotation, shows only minor leaks ==5ml/min.

I have been monitoring this for the last 2-3 weeks and it is consistent.

Of course the answer is to replace the cushion every month, like Resmed would recommend, but it is expensive.

My AHI seems not to be affected!  I wasn't regularly checking Oscar because everything felt normal.  And then when I checked Oscar, this leak thing popped up.

Do you think  I am shortening the life of the motor???

Please --any other F20 Touch users----can you confirm whether this is happening to you as well.

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - tigress35 - 04-18-2023

I’m new to CPAP usage and quite new to this mask, so I’ll have to let you know soon if I experience the same thing eventually, but if your theory that the air leak is through the foam, have you tried a mask liner? Perhaps that would not only help keep air from escaping through the foam, but also prolong the life of the foam too, since it won’t be as exposed to skin oils, etc? As long as you could find a liner where your seal is still good?

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - snorin2 - 04-18-2023

Thanks for your interest Tigress.  The problem continues----I can't find the leak(s).  

F20 touch users please help me find it.

I have tried the remzzz liner---no difference!

The other possibility is that the leak is a function of the connection between the elbow and the frame????

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - conphil - 08-30-2023

I've just started using the AirTouchF20 cushions trying to decide whether to order more masks...So, have been reviewing posts and videos. There's a video I saw from ResMed that advertises that the memory foam leaks a little... to provide "a more natural sleeping experience". Personally, I think they're just trying to explain away the notion that the foam has open pores (like maybe all soft foams??)
Ref https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJMicqbOdtU

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - bennyboy - 09-21-2023

I have the same problem. I'm experiencing large leak. I'm trying a brand new for tonight and see if the result is better.

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - jaytee80 - 09-21-2023

My elbow to frame connection leaked… on my brand new mask. A wrap of Teflon tape around the elbow where it inserts into the frame took it from 30L/min to about 8L/min.

I’m only a few nights into the memory foam mask, so no idea on its longevity yet.

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - Lucky7 - 09-21-2023

I'm a little over a month into my first F20 and was wondering the exact same thing today! How interesting.

I think LankyLefty27 raised this as a possibility but would have to find that video.

And yeah, I couldn't perceive leak either. Yet, there it is in OSCAR.

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - Expat31 - 09-22-2023

I had a similar problem, no leaks to start with, then after a month of so, leaks started, but couldn't feel or sense anything, until one night by chance,I actually sensed a leak, it was caused on just one side,, when my head was buried in the pillow, pushing on just one side. 

I just then tightened up just onthis side up a bit and all OK.

I also am very careful cleaning the foam, using actually baby wipes and also on my face before sleep.

So far so good. Time will tell now

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - snorin2 - 09-22-2023

Thanks for your comments;  I think this is an interesting issue.

So far I have noticed that with a brand new cushion, I get a horizontal baseline leak --like 5 or less---And of course up and down from there---mostly up
Then with the same headgear after a month it is a practically horizontal base of 10
Then after 2 month I get a base of 15  with Absolutely no change in the Ahi;  sometimes it goes down!
after 3 months it skyrockets to 30-40 (and still no increase in AHi)---So I changed the cushions  even though they look perfect

The F20 touch is my go-to mask (currently) and so I have to go with the flow 
But it irks me that I cant figure out the leak

RE: F20 Touch (foam) cushion --Longer Use and Larger Leaks - staceyburke - 09-22-2023

Why have you not put up a daily chart of Oscar with a graph of the Leak, leaks can be caused by several things that can be found by looking at the charts.