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Autopap pressure confusion - Printable Version

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Autopap pressure confusion - HMG7450 - 04-11-2023

I’m I have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome and my Resmed 11 autopap was on 4-10 cm h20 for 3 months.  Average pressure at end of night usually said 4.8 or so.   Three nights ago the Dr changed it to 5-9 cmh2o (which is fine).  I’m very confused why now my average pressure at end of nights is anywhere from 5.8 to 6.5.  How can this be? My average pressure before wasn’t over 5 and all of a sudden the machine decides I’m needing averages in the 5s smd 6s? Which leads me to wonder- was the 4-10 range too big and the machine couldn’t get me appropriate pressures? I hope you understand what I’m trying to figure out here.  If my average pressures on 4-10 weee always in the 4s then this change to 5-10 should show an average pressure of 5 or low 5? Why am I getting higher average pressures now that range is 5-9?

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - Gideon - 04-11-2023

Welcome to the forum.
In general most here find a min of 4 too low of a pressure.

What pressures are right for you? We use the daily detailed data on your SD card to determine that. You can read this data with OSCAR then post the daily charts.

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - HMG7450 - 04-11-2023

Yes I know all this please reread what I’m asking.  (I have an sd card but I can’t figure out even though I read the site how to post my data to the board).  I am asking something different.  I’m thinking my machine is not finding the correct pressure for me-please see initial post on this to understand what I’m asking. Thsnks

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - OpalRose - 04-11-2023

First, you will need to download OSCAR if you haven't done so already.

Be sure your SD card is in the Cpap while sleeping. Then follow the links below to help guide you.  

Organizing your chart according to directions is important.  The directions show you how to take a Screenshot and then use the Attachment Feature to post your chart.



Your questions can and will be addressed once you do your part and show us your data.

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - Bluesv6 - 04-11-2023

I am sure Gideon understands what your asking , he wants data from your machine in Oscar graphs to see the whole picture .  Their are some very knowledgeable folks here . The mods are smarter than most clinicians and even some DRS . 

The thing with pressure for the most part amount is irrelevant in my mind . It can be used for diagnostic purposes . Basically you need enough pressures to stop events from happening 

I have mild apnea , my sleep test was 8.7 ahi . I though i needed least pressure , however not the case .  I have been working on finding  my min pressure . Working on constant pressure and apap pressures . I ended up setting pressure to 11 was better to breathe , then bumped to 11.4 and night and day . At min 11.4 my body breathes so much easier , way more natural .  The end of the day it does not matter I am running high  at 11.4 , rather than cpap is  more enjoyable experience.

Long story short dont focus on pressure amounts , focus on getting any events under control .  Please post screen shots and someone will chime in and give you advice and you will get best sleep ever on cpap !

I understand having issues posting screenshots express your troubles maybe in a thread or even DM myself . Get some screenshots posted and you will find the needed settings and get some needed rest .

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - Crimson Nape - 04-11-2023

UARS can cause the CPAP pressure to increase.  Setting the pressure range closer to your sweet spot means less pressure change.  This could eliminate micro-arousals and allow for a deeper sleep, thus further relaxing the muscles surrounding the airway.  This may increase flow limitations and, in turn, increase pressure.

As far as posting images; Please see the links in my signature to help.  Also, the "How Do I ..." thread in the Forum Account Help has a lot of information too.

In OSCAR, take a screenshot using either F12 or Fn+F12 for Mac.
When making a post here, use the Full Editor (the Reply button) and NOT the Quick Reply.
Below the editor's text box, there are provisions to browse your PC for the screenshot or image to insert into the post.
Load it to the ApneaBoard server, and then select the "Inset Into Post" to make it appear in your post.
It is wise to select Preview Post to make sure it looks and reads correct.
When all looks good, select, Post Reply
That's it!

- Red

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - Gideon - 04-11-2023

Help me help you.
Why is your pressure increasing? What kinds of events are you having? Are your events positional? Are your pressures causing leaks? What kinds of leaks? Tell me about your flow limitations, they are typically not logged.
Most likely your machine was never optimized for you.

The answers to the above along with pressure info associated with these all these questions will allow us to answer your questions.

I ask for your daily charts because I and many others on this forum read and interpret your charts to determine what your settings should be and thus if your current settings are what yours should be. I mentioned that a min of 4, or 5 for that matter that are rarely appropriate for anyone, but rarely they are.

Personally I'd much rather base advice on data rather than guesses.

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - Gideon - 04-11-2023

To be clear, it is a myth that an APAP, any APAP, will find your ideal pressure. The respond to obstructive events and raise pressure. If no events are occuring they reduce pressure. It is that simple.

To properly setup an APAP the min pressure needs to be near what is required to manage OA events.

Then you need to set EPR to manage hypopneas, RERAS, and flow limitations. Min pressures may or may not need to be adjusted.

Finally tweaks are made to improve comfort.

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - HMG7450 - 05-09-2023

Ok thanks so much. I’ll try to figure out how to access Oscar charts. I have a Mac computer and a card in my autopap. I may have downloaded Oscar to the computer but from there not sure how to find the charts or get you the charts. So sorry I’m terrible at tech stuff.  What do I do next?Question- is it ok to have EPR set at 3? I have Upper Airway Resistance Disorder. Can having Epr set at 0 or 1 help some flow limitations?

RE: Autopap pressure confusion - SnoNoMo - 05-09-2023

I also have a mac. After I take the SD card out of the cpap machine, I need to use an adapter to get the data into OSCAR on my mac.  I bought the adapter at Best Buy. You could take both your SD card and your mac to a Best Buy (or other store with a computer supplies department) and get a person who works there to find you the right piece of equipment.  I think the adapter may be called an SD card reader.

After you have Oscar on your mac, and the adapter with SD card plugged in, then when you open OSCAR it is just a matter of hitting the right buttons to get the data read and for graphs to appear. There is an OSCAR board on here that can help with these technical questions. Someone helped me quickly when I couldn't figure what I was doing wrong.