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Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - Printable Version

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Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - avhenry - 07-07-2023

Me: 33 yo. male, 6'1", 195 lbs
Setup: ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset, Airfit P10, Heated tube (humidity auto), mouth tape.
My sleep study results were 31 AHI without CPAP.

So I've been on CPAP for almost 1 year and yet I'm still tired upon waking and throughout the day. I've done a lot of research and tweaking my settings so at this point I'm somewhat out of ideas (mostly) on further improvements.

I've actually always had <5 AHI right from the start of treatment regardless of APAP or CPAP, but I've landed on CPAP because I wake up less and have lower AHI results. My current settings of fixed 7cm (without EPR) have yielded my best consistent results so far, almost always falling within 0.5-1 AHI with good oxygen levels. I've used pressures up to 10cm, but it just resulted in more aerophagia and an unimproved AHI.

Thanks in advance for your help guys.

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - gainerfull - 07-07-2023

Welcome to the board avhenry, please share screenshots of the last couple nights of your OSCAR data.

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - avhenry - 07-07-2023

Here's 2 more nights at the same settings, no oximeter data unfortunately (just figured out how to add it to oscar yesterday).


RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - SweetmattyD - 09-19-2023

Sorry I'm new and don't have an answer for you. But what are you using to track pulse and o2? And how did you get it into Oscar?

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - Crimson Nape - 09-19-2023

It would appear avhenry is using a Wellue/Viatom recording oximeter. Look at Supplier #40. Instructions on how to add it to your CPAP data in OSCAR is here: https://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php/Wellue_Viatom_File_Import

- Red

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - avhenry - 09-20-2023

Crimson Nape is correct, it's a Wellue O2Ring Oxygen Monitor: amazon.com/Wellue-Monitor-Continuously-Tracking-Software/dp/B08VW3VQKW

I followed this tutorial to add it to Oscar: youtube.com/watch?v=Oaqt3GJY83k

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - T818 - 09-20-2023

Curiosity brings me to this post ... as I feel the same. good results in Oscar (no oximetry though) but didnt feel normal. recently on narcolepsy meds. would love to follow this thread and learn,

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - Dormeo - 09-20-2023

By the numbers you appear to be doing quite well, but of course the numbers don't tell the whole story. A few questions for you:

Is it usual for you to go to bed at 3 a.m. and get up at around 10:45?

What was it about EPR that led you to turn it off?

Have you and your doctor explored other possible causes for your daytime malaise? Would you describe it as sleepiness (craving a nap) or fatigue (lack of energy)?

Have you ever experimented with trying to get more sleep?

To what extent would you say you follow these standard guidelines for better sleep:

• Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Get up at the same time every day, even on weekends or during vacations.
• Set a bedtime that is early enough for you to get at least 7 hours of sleep.
• Don’t go to bed unless you are sleepy.
• If you don’t fall asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed.
• Establish a relaxing bedtime routine.
• Use your bed only for sleep and sex.
• Make your bedroom quiet and relaxing. Keep the room at a comfortable, cool temperature.
• Limit exposure to bright light in the evenings.
• Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
• Don’t eat a large meal before bedtime. If you are hungry at night, eat a light, healthy snack.
• Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.
• Avoid consuming caffeine in the late afternoon or evening.
• Avoid consuming alcohol before bedtime.
• Reduce your fluid intake before bedtime.

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - avhenry - 11-18-2023

Quote:Is it usual for you to go to bed at 3 a.m. and get up at around 10:45?
At the moment yes, I'm unemployed so I tend to be a night owl if I don't have obligations in the morning. I will admit this probably the worst aspect of sleep hygiene, my bedtime tends be late and somewhat sporadic (anywhere from 12am–4am). However when I do get on a "normal" schedule of say 11pm–7pm, I don't experience significant energy improvements.

Quote:What was it about EPR that led you to turn it off?
A lower average AHI.

Quote:Have you and your doctor explored other possible causes for your daytime malaise? Would you describe it as sleepiness (craving a nap) or fatigue (lack of energy)?
To some extent, I've have blood work done. The only potential issue is my vitamin D levels came back on the low end of the normal range, but I've been taking vitamin D supplements for ~6 months without noticeable improvement.

Quote:Have you ever experimented with trying to get more sleep?
Probably not enough, I typically wake up after 7-8 hours of sleep. Sometimes I can fall back asleep, other times I can't.

Quote:To what extent would you say you follow these standard guidelines for better sleep:
I think I follow most of these guidelines well, except for what I mentioned above about an inconsistent sleep schedule. It's definitely something I'm trying to work on.

RE: Please Review My Data (Oximeter Info Included) — Still Tired Despite "Good" Treatment - avhenry - 11-18-2023

To update everyone, I've made some changes since my original post.

Back around the time of my original post, I did a consultation with AXG Sleep (Jason of TheLankyLefty27 Youtube channel) where I discussed my situation and showed him my Oscar data. He pointed out the spikes on my flow rate and leak rate charts were likely due to me gasping for air (bc the spikes were fairly evenly disturbed, not random). He concluded my pressure was too low and I need to increase my pressure from 7cm to 13cm (with 3 EPR). I followed his recommendation and stuck with it for about 3 weeks. 

Unfortunately I only experienced a mild improvement, and I was getting moderate aerophagia. In a follow up call, he pointed out that I still was getting these flow rate spikes and needed to further increase my pressure. He also suspected I may have UARS, unfortunately I only had taken a home sleep study that didn't check for that. Due to my aerophagia, he recommend a getting bipap machine and a 16cm/11cm pressure setting. The good news is I was able to buy a Resmed Aircurve 10 VAuto for good price from a private seller. The bad news is that I couldn't tolerate his recommended setting, the aerophagia was severe enough that I was waking up multiple times throughout the night with painful bloating.

Now to present day, I'm still using the bipap but with a reduced pressure of 13cm/7cm. This is about as high as I can get pressure wise without significant aerophagia. The PS range is also about as wide I can go without it causing significant CA events. My average AHI is under 1, but I still suffer from tiredness and fatigue. I do feel a tad better now than that I'm using bipap, but no more than a mild amount.

Going forward, my plan is doing two things: 

1. See if I can slowly increase my bipap pressure up to AXG's suggested pressure without aerophagia.
2. Get a proper in-lab sleep study to determine if I do in fact have UARS.

Any thoughts on this new information is appreciated, thanks guys.