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Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Printable Version

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Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Cam12 - 08-08-2023

I know this is a big ask but I'm wondering if someone has the time, energy and patience in helping me organize my CPAP data, which is under several profiles and kind of scattered through my iCloud account and on my Mac.. I can get it all into one folder but where to go from there is beyond my skills besides knowing that folders called "backups" often will be importable by OSCAR.

I just found out, through an MRI, that I have scattered, deep hyper-intensities in the periventricular area of my brain (areas where the capillaries have leaked blood into the brain tissue), increasing the chances of early cognitive decline, dementia and/or stroke. This can occur both through both oxygen deprivation and/or blood pressure spikes. Since my CPAP therapy is and always has been well managed (AHI usually averages about 1.2), it's likely the PLMD. It's imperative that I can convince my new neurologist that the PLMD is likely the causal factor and having organized CPAP data may help.

Again, a BIG ask I know. Please let me know but completely understand if not. I'm moderately skilled with tech and would do screen-sharing or whatever will make the process as easy as possible. I'm on a Mac Desktop using the latest version of Ventura if it makes a difference. Thanks for considering.

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - SuperSleeper - 08-08-2023

(08-08-2023, 02:59 AM)Cam12 Wrote: I'm moderately skilled with tech and would do screen-sharing or whatever will make the process as easy as possible

Hopefully someone will respond who can help, but we NEVER recommend that forum members share their computer system via some type of remote access screen-sharing.  It opens up your entire computer to potential malware and hacking.  You have no clue who is actually "helping" you on the other end.  It could very well be someone who has bad intentions.  I wouldn't even do it with another Apnea Board member, because one small slip up, and they could do damage to your system.

Just a word of warning on that.   Coffee

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Cam12 - 08-09-2023

(08-08-2023, 03:15 PM)SuperSleeper Wrote: Hopefully someone will respond who can help, but we NEVER recommend that forum members share their computer system via some type of remote access screen-sharing.  It opens up your entire computer to potential malware and hacking.  You have no clue who is actually "helping" you on the other end.  It could very well be someone who has bad intentions.  I wouldn't even do it with another Apnea Board member, because one small slip up, and they could do damage to your system.

Just a word of warning on that.   Coffee

Thank you very much Super Sleeper. I think out of desperation I felt I was wiling to take that chance but, based on your warning and recommendation, I will not do and screen or computer sharing. I really do thank you for your concern.

The request for help, without those tools, still stands for anyone willing.

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Crimson Nape - 08-09-2023

Do you have a dedicated directory on your computer for your SD card's data? I would recommend that if you don't have one, it would be wise to create one. SD cards can go bad. Having a dedicated archive directory offers data redundancy, just in case. You can then use this directory as the import location into OSCAR. If using multiple CPAP machines, you will need a different directory for each one.

- Red

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Cam12 - 08-18-2023

Thank you. No I don't. I used to before I began using iCloud, which combined with my own lack of understanding, I ended up with duplicate folders, files and Profiles both in iCloud and on external Mac disk.e.g.) after iCloud sync I had three "CPAP Data" folders (1,2 & 3) on my external drive but they all had different amounts of data in them.

I can get all the data into one directory ("directory" is equivalent to "folder that OSCAR is pointed at right?) but from there...???? I think the biggest question I have is the directory structure. Is it Profile name > CPAP machine serial # > data by date, etc.. and/or something else? 

I'll do a search here on apnea board too but any additional help / advice would be appreciate. Thanks.

ps. the last 3 times I opened OSCAR, it showed no profiles the first time, then showed all profiles, now shows no profiles again. Again, I think it's because I've tried to allow only certain folders to be backup up to iCloud, but that's where they've gone again, so OSCAR can't find them now.

I'll just look at the structure that's on the current card I'm trying to import and try to replicate that into directories for each machine or as you directed. 
(While writing this edit, I can't see your reply)

Can 2 ResMed machines (S9 and S10) as well as multiple profiles go into one directory and/OR, can I take all data under extraneous profiles and place it all under one profile ? 

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Crimson Nape - 08-18-2023

Thanks to Microsoft, the terms directory and folder now mean the same thing. Your problem with using iCloud for OSCAR's data location is its dependency on how much latency your internet connection has. If you start OSCAR, and it is taking a few milliseconds longer to connect to your iCloud, then OSCAR will see it as not being there. Your best bet is to create a local directory (folder, habit, environment. . .) for your OSCAR data and then outside of OSCAR, backup this directory to your iCloud account. This allows you access to your data even if the internet is down.

- Red

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Cam12 - 08-18-2023

Great advice. I"ll do that.

I'll get all data into one folder on my Mac from Mac, iCloud and External Drive. (one not included in iCloud). Then copy that folder to the external drive, then I can experiment all little with the Mac CPAP data folder far as trying to combine all data under one Profile, which I'll set up in OSCAR. If all goes well, I'll then copy that data to one folder on the external drive as a back-up, delete the previous folder on the External drive, then include the Mac folder (after verifying again that OSCAR will get data there) in iCloud.

Question: When I have OSCAR pointed at the correct folder, it will pull data from the inserted SD card and place it into that folder?

RE: Help organizing Profiles and CPAP Data - Crimson Nape - 08-18-2023

Long answer: Yes!
- Red