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New to cpap - Printable Version

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New to cpap - Jobaaayyy - 10-07-2023

Hi everyone, 

I've struggled with lack of energy and fatigue for years. I never considered a sleep disorder as a possible cause until recently. For some additional context, I also have a deviated septum and moderate seasonal allergies. I'm in my mid 40s, 6' 2" and about 190 lbs, so not overweight. 

I heard about Lofta, and the ease of a home study convinced me to at least get a test and see if a sleep disorder was causing my fatigue. Here are my results. It seems pretty clear to me as a novice that I've got some issues that need to be addressed. The study did say I slept mostly on my back which was a surprise to me as I consider myself to be a side sleeper, and I definitely breathe better on my side.

They recommended an Airsense 10 or 11 with a full mask. I'm really scared of the full mask. Is it possible I could get by with just nasal pillows? Also, their package for Airsense 10 is $900 dollars, which includes the machine, hose, and mask. They also offer an enhanced monitoring and consultation service for one year for an extra 200 dollars. It also includes mask exchanges, I think, for 60 days. 

Can I try the nasal pillow first or is that a bad idea?

I guess I'm just looking for feedback on what I should do as someone brand new to all of this. I don't want to make a mistake or get taken advantage of.

RE: New to cpap - TiredTom111 - 10-07-2023

Welcome to the board! As far as masks go, it's hard to tell what type will work best for you until you actually try them out, so definitely take advantage of your DME's exchange policy.  I started out with an AirFit P10 nasal pillow mask and had massive leaks right off the bat.  After a couple nights I discovered that it was due to mouth leaks, and I got the leaks down to zero with mouth tape.  

I eventually got tired of taping my mouth every night and switched to the AirTouch F20 full face mask, now I have no leaks and no need to tape.  Also, I find the full face mask to be more comfortable than having nasal pillows inside my nose.  No matter what style of mask you choose, there's going to be an adjustment period before the mask feels comfortable.  Take the time to find what works best and don't get discouraged if the first few masks you try are less than ideal.

RE: New to cpap - Jobaaayyy - 10-07-2023

Thank you. I'm nervous about things but willing to give it a try. I'll probably just ask the sleep therapist what she recommends and then go from there.

RE: New to cpap - Sleeprider - 10-07-2023

I always recommend that new users start with nasal pillows. They are easier to tolerate, easier to seal and are of course the lightest, least intrusive interface. Don't let "they" tell you what mask to use. Make your own selection. You have to live with it. I started with a nasal mask many years ago and quickly moved to nasal pillow type interface. I have been using the Airfit P10 since it was released.

You can take your prescription to #Supplier #1 and get a complete package for about $700 or less. I like to call and ask for any discounts rather than order online because they often have a better price if you ask for it due to minimum advertised pricing by the manufacturer. I would recommend the Resmed Airsense 10 Autoset Card to Cloud version with your mask of choice. Supplier #1 offers a return policy on masks and if the first one doesn't work out, you can try others without risk. Card to Cloud is a version that does not have n internal wireless modem and is likely the one your supplier is offering for $900. All data is stored on a SD card and that data can be provided to your doctor or used with Oscar to help you optimize therapy. Do not pay $200 for an enhanced monitoring program. You can get that here with feedback to make the most of your therapy for free.

RE: New to cpap - Jobaaayyy - 10-07-2023

Thanks for that information! I appreciate it.

RE: New to cpap - Gideon - 10-07-2023

Sleeprider said nearly word for word what I would have.
Masks star small (P10)
ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet
OSCAR software with the forums help in understanding it..

RE: New to cpap - Jobaaayyy - 10-08-2023

Thank you. Do you also recommend a chin strap or similar device? I'm not sure but I think I breathe through nose and mouth.

RE: New to cpap - Sleeprider - 10-08-2023

I would not get ahead of things. A chin strap is actually not a great way to control leaks. Read the mask primer for tips on adapting to a mask and solving problems http://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mask_Primer We have some techniques you can use in case you have a problem, but since a nasal pillows mask really opens up your nasal airway, there is no need for mouth breathing. If you jaw relaxes enough, the pressurized air will rush out of your mouth. You will learn to control it with experience and time. I can sip water, talk and other things with the nasal mask on and pressurized. It's all in control with the top/back of the tongue and respiratory control. Very few people have full control over their airway when they first start, but most learn quickly, and you'll love the freedom. Post your results when you get going, and we will have some ideas for you.

RE: New to cpap - Jobaaayyy - 10-08-2023

Thanks! Supplier 1 has a good deal, I think, with an available coupon code for the airsense and p10. Once I get my prescription from Lofta I'm going to buy that machine and mask.

RE: New to cpap - Rosagreen - 10-16-2023

I hope this isnt too late! I dont know how these things usually work but !!
I was able to get my Sleep Testing done quick for $199.. There were NO OTHER FEES..well besides shipping but I really needed it in one day and they charged me $30 to get it, which is completely fine by me!
It was a simple home sleep test that included all equipment and a doctor Tele-Health appointment… it was simple, fast and got my report and a followup appointment with doctor. I got my home sleep test through the nonprofit reggiewhitesleepfoundation.org .
seriously  a blessing..