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Doubting my Sefam S.Box - Printable Version

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Doubting my Sefam S.Box - Irish2024 - 01-06-2024

Hi all.

37 years old, diagnosed with mild OSA early last year (12.7 AHI) following a home study that did not suggest sleep apnea, but the subsequent hospital sleep study confirmed it. 
My current weight is 230lbs, so carrying maybe 20-30 unnecessary pounds, but also a lot of muscle (and a thick neck) due to gym work since I was 20. Overall, pretty healthy. And my OSA seemed present back in 2018 when I was about 210lbs, so I don't think it's weight related. I have a deviated septum, so only one nostril is functional most of the time.

I have been renting a Sefam S.Box from an equipment provider here since April (the Sefam is their default) with a Resmed F30i mask but I've had mixed results. Overall, I'm not as horrendously tired as I was pre-treatment, but I'm also not as recharged as I would expect to be after a full night's sleep. My S.Box settings have never been adjusted by my treatment team, still 4.0 - 20.0. No access to OSCAR, thanks Sefam. I've also read several poor experiences others have had on the S.Box, especially compared to the likes of the Resmed Airsense 10 or 11.
My overall treatment adherence has been good, with few missed nights, 5-7 hours usage.
AHI is generally very low, with monthly scores as low as 0.5 and as high as 1.6.
Leakage is never an issue.

So I'm wondering if I would be best to switch machine to a Resmed, allowing me to analyse my data via OSCAR, and adjust my treatment to see if it improves my sleep quality?

Any and all advice welcome.

RE: Doubting my Sefam S.Box - dbcpap - 01-06-2024

I have replied here.

In summary, my change from the Sefam S.Box to the Resmed Airsense 10 autoset has been nothing short of life-changing. Even if you have to self-fund a Resmed, I'd recommend that you do so and keep a journal of whether you experience a breakthrough, as I did. (If you can rent first, even better).

Good luck on your journey. I hope you will soon have the same positive experience as I continue to enjoy.