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Curious if ResVent Tidal Volume displays seem correct - Printable Version

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Curious if ResVent Tidal Volume displays seem correct - TechieHippie - 02-22-2024

I've been wondering if the OSCAR reporting for Tidal Volume is off with my "experimentally supported" Resvent. Mine seem outrageously high at times. If these are normal artifacts, I'm fine with that - it's not an issue for my usage, just appears odd so I wanted more eyes to check if these look reasonable.

On Dec 27, the overview shows Tidal Volume of 4569, (95% of 850 which seems reasonable) though the highest the daily graph shows is 1950 at 5:21:30. Is it normal to see such high Tidal Volume at times? There weren't any leaks listed. I thought that maybe 4569 was taking off my mask in a session that was less than 5 minutes; I tried purging all CPAP data then turned off "ignore short sessions" but I'm still not seeing any short sessions. 

I've also been surprised that Tidal Volume is higher (though with greater variability) during periods of OA than when I'm breathing normally. Maybe that's typical since it's REM sleep. E.g.: Feb 1, around 5:12 AM  it ranges between 600 and 1800 during lots of FLs and OAs. My oxygen was dropping  to mid-80s, would that be inconsistent with higher tidal volume or does that look "real"? 



RE: Curious if ResVent Tidal Volume displays seem correct - Crimson Nape - 02-22-2024

That date is almost a month and half prior to the updated code.  Did you purge that day and re-import the raw data from the SD card prior to posting this?  You can't use OSCAR's backup because the code used to read the raw data may have been corrupt and would have written the bad data to the backup.  If you have the data on the SD card or a dedicated backup directory, have you analyzed the data outside of OSCAR?

- Red

RE: Curious if ResVent Tidal Volume displays seem correct - TechieHippie - 02-23-2024

I did import from scratch from a fresh copy of the SD card with a recent build with all existing fixes included.

I have not looked at the data outside of Oscar. I'll ask TechieHusband if he can help me with that when we get a chance.


RE: Curious if ResVent Tidal Volume displays seem correct - LoudSnorer - 02-23-2024

Check the units of tidal volume - the unit is milliLiters / min.
while Minute Vent units are in l/min.

That might be the cause.

RE: Curious if ResVent Tidal Volume displays seem correct - TechieHippie - 02-25-2024

I made a dumb mistake, I was looking on the wrong day. My husband found the sky high number in the data files, on the 26th, and it was taking off my mask at the end of the session. I still don't know why tidal volume is high during those periods of apnea even with oxygen dropping, but I no longer think the data is incorrect.