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newbie looking to get machine dialed in - Printable Version

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newbie looking to get machine dialed in - Jpm6179 - 03-23-2024

Just started APAP on Tuesday night, so far feeling like I am doing well getting used to everything. But wanted to see if there is anything I should do at this point to get the machine better dialed in to me. I have noticed a slight increase in CA events as the week has gone on.

Thank you, this board has been great, I have been lurking all week trying to learn what I can.

Airesence 11 APAP N20 Nose mask
Pre CPAP AHI 10 RDI 15, most AHI events during REM at 28AHI

RE: newbie looking to get machine dialed in - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 03-23-2024

Things look quite grand. You have done a very good job with your pressure and other settings. The central apnoea's are likely TECA (Treatment Emergent Central Apnoea) and will start reducing over a few days to weeks. If not we can address them later.

Consider increasing your min pressure from 6 to 7 and reducing the max pressure from 20 to 14. 

So the change to settings would be:

Min pressure 7
Max pressure 14
EPR 1 full-time
No ramp

Depending on how the flow limitations look after that change you could move EPR from 1 to 2. One change at a time, so let us see how you respond to the pressure change first.

Give that a go for a day to two and we can help adjust from there. Lots of very smart folks here to help.

RE: newbie looking to get machine dialed in - Jpm6179 - 03-23-2024

Thank you for taking the time to help I will make this change tonight and see how the next couple days go.

RE: newbie looking to get machine dialed in - Jpm6179 - 03-25-2024

I would say that worked out well Thanks

AHI down to 0.12, and I didnt wake up that I remember at least with air flowing out of my mouth. I know my apena was mild to start with but that was the best night of sleep I can remember in a long long time. Hopefully this continues