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BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - Printable Version

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BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - douglaskeene - 05-20-2024

I have noticed that on  4/26/24 the Overview chart for BMI is no longer showing.  It was a little intermittent before that date.  I am filling out the section at the bottom of the  Daily page with a valid weight, and the weight is showing in the Overview, but not the BMI.  This is not a drop dead issue, in that everything else seems to be working properly and provides a very useful tool in monitoring my progress, but it appears to be a flaw that perhaps many others would ignore, which could take it off the "fix it" list.  

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - Crimson Nape - 05-20-2024

It would really help to know what OS and OSCAR version that you are using.  

Version 1.5.3 incorrectly displays the BMI in the Daily-Notes section if you change days then return. I randomly entered some weight values that produced BMIs of 28 to 30.  When I went back to those days, they were now reporting the BMI as 62.  There wasn't a BMI chart in the Overview screen, only the weight.  I also noticed that there is a rounding error in the Profile height section.  When I am in English measurement and enter 6 feet 0 inches in the profile, when restarting OSCAR it now displays that I am 5 feet 11.9 inches. If I switch back to metric, its value (182.9) equates to more than 6 feet.
- Red

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - LoudSnorer - 05-21-2024

1. Bmi requires your height to be entered in your user profile.
2. Also your weight must be entered for that day.
3. Bmi is calculated from that information.

The rounding error is triggered because the height is stored in OSCAR as killograms.
The conversion between English and Metric causes the rounding error.

Your could view the graph for the weight. It has the same waveform as BMI since height is constant.

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - douglaskeene - 05-23-2024

I understand about loading in one's weight, but I see no place in my profile to add in a height.  At least it is nowhere that can be edited or updated.  

This problem seems to have occurred right about the time of the last update.  Any correlation?

As for the software info:  I am on Windows 11, the current software level for OSCAR is OSCAR 1.5.3+master-7267dafa.

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - LoudSnorer - 05-23-2024

(05-23-2024, 12:30 PM)douglaskeene Wrote: ... but I see no place in my profile to add in a height.
once OSCAR is opened.
1) select profile tab.
2) select the profile you use.
3) press edit profile.
4) select next - the menu is named "edit user profile"
5) select the appropriate units (english or metric).
6) enter weight.
7) select next several times and save the edit.

This should solve the problem.

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - douglaskeene - 05-23-2024

Ok, Here is what I see when I open up the profile and select editing.  You will note that there is no place to enter a height.  Any suggestions?

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - douglaskeene - 05-23-2024

Very Sorry, just noticed the next button and when clicked I see the height value, which was already filled out.

Getting back to the original problem, my system shows recording of BMI on the graphs up until 5/26/24, then it stops.  Seems we ought to be focusing on what change in the software occurred that made this happen.  It is obviously not related to my profile, and the profile hasn't changed since  back in 2023 when I signed up.  My actions and movements within the software have not changed.

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - LoudSnorer - 05-23-2024

to look at this issue i need more information.
1) A copy of you journal information which contains information about the days that weight was entered.

    File -> Backup Journal

2) create archive file with the contents of your sd card.

3) the files names shoukd incluide your user name and cpap machine type.

4) copy the files to LoudSnorer's Receive DropBox

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - douglaskeene - 05-23-2024

The files are in your dropbox.
Thanks for your assistance.

RE: BMI not showing on Oscar Overview - LoudSnorer - 05-23-2024

I was not specific the s.jsondcard card.
All the files(and folders) on the sdcard are required.
So these files must be put in an archive (zip/7z) file.
For the airsence 11

They include
DATALOG , SETTINGS , STR.edf , identification.crc , identification.json