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Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Printable Version

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Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Yardarm - 06-16-2024

From about 4.30 am for an hour, there appear to be a lot of clear airway events. Can anyone suggest why? Thanks in advance.

RE: Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - brokensleep57 - 06-16-2024

Hi Yardam,

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's your position?  Perhaps you are sleeping supine?

I'm having similar issues but with obstructive apneas/hypopneas.  Yours appear to be central apneas.  Were you diagnosed with central apneas?  I don't know if central apneas can occur due to position like obstructive apneas.

Positional apneas usually show multiple events clustered together like your chart.  See my chart from earlier today:

Today's chart supine (wedge pillow used)


My chart the other day supine (same wedge pillow):


I think my pressure needs to be increased, or I need to stay off my back. However, due to inconsistency I haven't tried pressure increase yet.

I'm not sure if that would be the same for you with central apneas.

I'm sure someone else on the forum can help.

RE: Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Yardarm - 06-16-2024

Thanks for that,

I've always slept on my side but it could be I roll onto my back. It doesn't happen every night but when it does, it's always at the same time.
As for pressure, if I increase it, I just swallow air unfortunately.

RE: Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Deborah K. - 06-16-2024

Welcome   Smile
Did you have a lot of CAs in your sleep study?  If you have a copy of your sleep study it would be good if you could post it.  It would help us determine some things.  If there were NOT a lot of CAs during your sleep study that would mean yours are treatment-emergent and will lessen as time passes.

Also, your therapy would be better if you raised your minimum pressure a bit. Set it at 6 or 7. This won't change your upper-pressure limit, so I don't think you will have more aerophagia. If you do, lower it by one digit for the next night.

RE: Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Yardarm - 06-16-2024

Thank you,

My sleep study was 2-3 years ago, as far as I recall there wasn't a lot of CA. If it is emergent and will lessen over time, how much time does it usually take?

I will try raising the minimum pressure, thanks for that tip.

RE: Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Sleeprider - 06-17-2024

Pretty much everything I see in this chart is central clusters. It is not positional apnea as there is no apparent obstruction or flow limitation. I'd like to see a minimum pressure of 6.0 and reduce EPR to setting 1. I think leaks are an issue here. If the CA pattern remains consistent, you're going to need a backup rate like ASV.

RE: Can someone help explain what is happening between 4.30am and 5,30 am? - Jay51 - 06-17-2024

You have a consistent mask leak the entire time you have the massive CA cluster also.  Leaks from the mask can let CO2 escape and might contribute to CA's.