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Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - Printable Version

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Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - SeePak - 07-31-2024

I would like ability to see various parameters from different days side by side.

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - Narcil - 08-01-2024

not in oscar that i know of, can you take screenshots of the data to compare?

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - SeePak - 08-01-2024

Yes that would work and I will think longer about why I want to do that and if there's a real need or not I know there is one as far as being able to quickly compare between two graphs of different times it's not a life or death thing for sure LOL

Thank you narcil

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - Crimson Nape - 08-01-2024

If it is just certain graphs you wish to compare, you can "Popout" a graph from one day and another graph from a different day. That option is listed when you right-click on a graph title. Just remember that if you have the "Auto-Fit" Y-ais scaling active, it can greatly impair the visual comparison of the same parameter between days. At least for comparison purposes, changing the Y-axis Scaling to "Override" is your best option. That basically levels the playing field.
- Red

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - SeePak - 08-01-2024

Yes pop out I've used I didn't realize I could open up a second day I'm looking forward to trying that thank you crimson

And yes I make sure that the y-axis is the same for both graphs very seldom like to use the autofit I've got mine set up with override as required thank you again crimson

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - SeePak - 08-06-2024

Thankyou, popouts working out great!

I am also wondering, or should i do new thread?
Can i get my average inspiration and expiration times graphed somewhere?

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - Crimson Nape - 08-06-2024

Keep this thread going. It can always be renamed.  As far as I can tell, no, there isn't any way other than manually logging each day.   Be aware that I & E times and respiration count are calculated from your breathing crossing the zero (0) line. This means any events, their length, or snoring will affect these values.

Thanks to your request, I found a bug in OSCAR, or so I think.  As of this post, it is August 6, 2024.  This would make the most recent day 8/5/24, but any date in the CSV Export Wizard thinks the most current day or range centers around April 30, 2025.  This was on a Linux box.

I am requesting confirmation on a Windows and a Mac as well.
- Red

RE: Can 2 different days data be put side by side to compare ? - SeePak - 08-06-2024

Thanks Crimson.

Checked out the .csv export, nothing there for respiration times.

Did not understand the inspiration/expiration times for sure.

i think new thread i should post as per below?

What i am concerned about, is why my exhale is always , as an average for the night, lower than my inspiration.
I do see times during night where this is reversed but not for long, like a minute or 2, and i saw it precede an OA event.