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trouble getting bipap machine to work - Printable Version

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trouble getting bipap machine to work - adolfohxh - 08-10-2024

Hello, I am trying to figure out my bipap. I have used it here and there, trying to get use to it. Sometimes my machine will push air into me without me actually breathing which makes me panic. I tried to set it down to a low pressure of 6 or so with a ramp time of 30 minutes. I started off with 25 pressure and a ramp time of 20 minutes. I am unsure what to do or how to get use to it. I am using a full face mask and sometimes I feel like the mask jumps on my face or pulses as I breathe out. I am mostly having trouble with the breathing part. If anyone has any advice, I could really use it please or even messages/ whispers. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - Sleeprider - 08-10-2024

We need to see the full settings: mode, EPAP min, Max pressure, PS and would prefer to see an OSCAR chart. Either way, there is probably a simple settings problem. When the mask jumps on your face, that is usually too much pressure support (PS), where the pressure during exhale is lower than during inhale. Try to find out what your settings are, and we can get it corrected.

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - HalfAsleep - 08-11-2024

That sounds like an awful experience. Yes, post Oscars! Follow exact protocol for posting charts in the Apneaboard menu.

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - adolfohxh - 08-12-2024

Hello, thank you for replying. These are the settings that I changed in order to try to figure out a good pace. 
Max IPap: 25
Min EPap:6
Ps: 2
Ramp time: 30 min
Start EPAP: 4

I dont have any OSCAR data I can share yet as I don't have an SD card reader, but I have one on the way. 
Here's my Watchpat results in case it helps.

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - Sleeprider - 08-13-2024

Please download and use OSCAR then post your daily details chart as shown in this tutorial. http://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php?title=OSCAR_Chart_Organization The charts you posted leave us with a guess. Lets try Vauto mode, EPAP min 7.0, PS 4.0 Max IPAP 15.0

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - SarcasticDave94 - 08-13-2024

Note that you're somewhat susceptible to have Central Apnea, as there were 31 pAHIc 3%. This is below half the events, however it does signify a sensitivity to the CA.

6-25 pressure is a pretty wide range and as others mention, OSCAR charts will help us in helping you get it set better. Holding yourself at 4 cmH20 on a 30 minute Ramp likely isn't doing much good either.

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - adolfohxh - 08-15-2024

I tried out your settings last night. I took it off after an hour because I was having trouble sleeping. This is the data that Oscar recorded last night. I hope it provides some insight. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope to hear soon. [attachment=68335]

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - SarcasticDave94 - 08-15-2024

You'll need to work on the mask seal. It's leaking at a pretty high rate, even when on Ramp. The ramp was quite long still and at low pressure.

I'm thinking this combo is hurting your success. Long Ramp at low pressure can cause air starving. Leaks diminish the therapy and adds disruption.

RE: trouble getting bipap machine to work - HalfAsleep - 08-16-2024

When your mask gets leaky like that, you can be prone to whipping it off. As can poor pressure settings, ‘cos you get starved for air.
And then….you end up with a bad habit.

I recommend you follow the settings advice, as you have done, and practice with the whole rig while you’re awake and watching tv or reading a book. Give your body a chance to get used to it all. Learn what it takes to manage a leak, so you aren’t fiddling around in the middle of the night.

Turn off ramp, at least until there’s settings clarity. At present, it just seems to add complication.

And, if you’re on insurance, you have a compliance obligation. Be sure you muscle yourself through at least 4 hours a day/night.