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HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - Printable Version

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HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - TheBinarySon - 08-18-2024

Hi folks! It's been a while since I updated my sleep data thread, it's been a rough couple months, mostly feeling depressed from my CPAP struggles as I'm still acclimating to using CPAP as I enter my third month using it. However, while I will eventually return to posting in that thread, for now I'm having two main problems that are messing with my ability to have a good and healthy 8 hour sleep session, and I want to get people's thoughts on how to fix it.

First, dreams. I know a sign of sleep improving is more vivid dreams, which I'm having, but the dreams are so intense and for whatever reason are dreams involving me being angry, I am waking myself up either screaming at or trying to punch or kick someone in the dream. At that point, I'm so heated I can't just go back to sleep. 

Secondly, and this just happened 2 hours ago and I can't go back to sleep, is simply waking up feeling refreshed, but only after a few hours, not 7-8 hours. I try to go back to bed, or walk around the house a bit or grab a snack or have some water or go to the bathroom, but even after any and all that I can't fall back asleep and I'm just laying there wide awake. 

If anyone has any tips or suggestions on what to do I'd really appreciate it.

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - OpalRose - 08-18-2024

Post a screenshot of recent data.  Show your pressure settings, reslex setting, type of events, leak, etc.

The reason we like folk to keep to one thread is reflected in your post above!  No information to go on.

I just read through your entire therapy thread, and this post is just a continuation of the same issue.

I would be happy to merge this post with your therapy thread.  

My suggestion isn't much different than you received prior.  

Set minimum to 10cm
Set maximum to 13cm
Set Reslex to 2
Turn ramp to Off.

If you feel better using CPAP mode, set it to 10cm, Reslex 2, and ramp off.

Stick with these settings for a week or two.  I have a feeling your frequent arousals might be due to bad or inconsistent sleep hygiene.  

Read through this link and see if any apply and what you might improve on.  


RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - G. Szabo - 08-18-2024

(08-18-2024, 03:14 AM)TheBinarySon Wrote: ... walk around the house a bit or grab a snack or have some water or go to the bathroom, but even after any and all that I can't fall back asleep and I'm just laying there wide awake. 
Having a snack increases your blood sugar and keeps you awake. It is better to avoid it unless you have blood sugar issues.

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - Sleeprider - 08-18-2024

I have been chronically experiencing night awakenings that last several hours without being able to sleep. I could awaken at 3:00 AM and be awake at 6:00. This has happened relatively frequently, and is interspersed with nights of fairly good sleep. For me it has nothing to do with PAP therapy, and it seems to be just a change in how I sleep at 70, and a busy mind. Things are disrupted at the moment due to preparing to move, and I'm sure that stress is contributing. I have the luxury of being able to sleep in if I can eventually fall asleep, but other than that I'm not medicating or changing anything. Dealing with the awakenings is frustrating, but somehow I think it will eventually return to a more normal pattern.

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - Nightynite - 08-18-2024

My situation is identical to Sleepriders, I find that a 3mg extended release melatonin tab about 20 min. before bed does help. I don’t do it every night , but it helps to get back in the rhythm.

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - Deborah K. - 08-18-2024

Some find that taking Magnesium in the evening helps with sleep.  I read that most folks are Magnesium deficient, so it can't hurt to take some.  It also prevents muscle cramps.  Others take Melatonin or Valerian Root capsules or tablets.

It may help if when you wake up you just stay in bed with your eyes closed, getting up only if you have to visit the bathroom, then returning right back to bed.  If you can relax you may be able to fall asleep again.  This helps some people.

Insomnia stinks. I hope you find a solution soon! Smile

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - TheBinarySon - 08-18-2024

(08-18-2024, 07:20 AM)OpalRose Wrote: Post a screenshot of recent data.  Show your pressure settings, reslex setting, type of events, leak, etc.

The reason we like folk to keep to one thread is reflected in your post above!  No information to go on.

I just read through your entire therapy thread, and this post is just a continuation of the same issue.

I would be happy to merge this post with your therapy thread.  

My suggestion isn't much different than you received prior.  

Set minimum to 10cm
Set maximum to 13cm
Set Reslex to 2
Turn ramp to Off.

If you feel better using CPAP mode, set it to 10cm, Reslex 2, and ramp off.

Stick with these settings for a week or two.  I have a feeling your frequent arousals might be due to bad or inconsistent sleep hygiene.  

Read through this link and see if any apply and what you might improve on.  


Thanks for the response Opal! 

I'm sorry I created a new thread, but since my machine data software shows all the same Oscar data EXCEPT flow limitations and isn't Oscar compliant, people seems to struggle with interpreting anything from what I post.

Plus, since I had a specific question about dreams I wasn't sure if I should have made a separate post or not.   That said, it if would be more appropriate to merge the two threads, please do so and thank you for doing so.

As for your more specific questions, I currently have Reslex and Ramp off and have a CPAP pressure of 10.5 after some experimentation as you probably saw in my thread. I turned off Reslex eventually because I felt I was not breathing in time with the Reslex and it was distracting. But I'll start posting data again and consider giving Reslex and APAP another try. 

I will also review the sleep hygiene article you mentioned. Usually my sleep hygiene is pretty good, the only exception being I have to listen to a podcast or something when I go to bed or I won't fall asleep.

@G Szabo - I did not know that. Thank you so much for letting me know! I also take Mounjaro for prediabetes and weight loss, which affects digestion time and blood sugar, so maybe I need to also eat earlier in the day than normal.

@Sleeprider - hello again Sir! I'm sorry to hear you're struggling to, but a bit relieved I'm not the only one. It's been a rough 2.5 months since I started CPAP, but I know it will be worth it. I am also dealing with some life stuff and stress and depression symptoms from the Sleep problems, which in turn probably make my ability to sleep worse. Weird catch-22. 

@Nightynite - thanks for the suggestion! Currently I'm taking 20mgs an hour before, but maybe I'll try and take less and do it closer to bed time.

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - Nightynite - 08-18-2024

I have been listening to audiobooks! This is my daily routine when I walk for exercise in the morning and when I go to bed at night. I find that audiobooks really help me turn off the mind from thinking and puts me in a relaxed state and sleep usually comes In about 15 min. I get these books for free from my local library download service. I think most libraries do this now for free if you have a library card. I just use wired earbuds and my smart phone. This week I’m sailing the high seas with the buccaneers on a pirate ship. You can go anywhere you want too!

RE: HELP - Waking up too early for no reason or from dreams - quiescence at last - 08-18-2024

just chiming in that I routinely wake up right after dreaming. there is little I can do besides fall back to sleep or get up. I will only go back into the bedroom when I begin to feel drowsy again.  That generally means I'll get from 3 hrs to 6 hrs per night.  I am guessing that nearly everyone else isn't like me.  I assess NO MEANING to having less hours of sleep, it doen't mean I am doing something wrong, and it doesn't stress me out.  If for some strange circumstance you are really like me, then don't stress and just enjoy your quiet time, and catch up on whatever you enjoy.  Early on, I came to the apneaboard and talked and read in-between sleeping sessions.

I have a fair body of experience with my own situation, and dreaming. I have come to associate dreams that have natural plot lines (regardless that most are inplausible) with a normal REM sleep, and dreams that are scattery and stupid frustrating have been during another sleep phase.  I would ask do your dreams that you wake up angry usually involve story lines that are so disjointed that they can only be described as 'rattle-jack' alternatively confusing and frustrating.

I feel refreshed if they are REM dreaming.

Good luck with your therapy.