Apnea Board Forum - CPAP | Sleep Apnea
AHI from OSCAR from Sp02/Pulse only? - Printable Version

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AHI from OSCAR from Sp02/Pulse only? - djbclark - 08-20-2024

Is it possible to get a AHI number out of OSCAR from only Sp02 and Pulse data?

If not, could someone link to the standard way of interpreting the data to get something along the lines of that number?

Use case: Tracking efficacy of a dental appliance and an Rx.

RE: AHI from OSCAR from Sp02/Pulse only? - SarcasticDave94 - 08-20-2024

At least for me, no I couldn't pull out an AHI from Sp02 and pulse rate. You'll need a way to measure airflow and restriction to it, and EEG will be helpful as in what a lab sleep study includes.

RE: AHI from OSCAR from Sp02/Pulse only? - Crimson Nape - 08-20-2024

The long answer is, No.  AHI stands for Apnea Hypopnea Index.  An apnea event is defined as the cessation of breathing for 10 seconds or more.  Hypopnea is defined as a breathing reduction of 50% or more for 10 seconds or longer.  There is no definition or correlation of SpO2 and pulse data that could be used to calculate this.

I know someone will read this and wonder why OSCAR does not report a time for hypopnea.  It is because the CPAP data does not contain this time value.

Since your question refers to software, I have moved it to the Software Support Forum.
- Red