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Throat and windpipe full every morning. - Printable Version

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Throat and windpipe full every morning. - John Leslie - 08-28-2024

I have been using a ResMed med air since 11 nine hours a night for the past four months.

Every morning when I wake up, my throat is full of phlegm and it takes me an hour to get it cleared out. I have tried everything that I know of with the machine. I have raised humidity, lowered humidity, turn humidity completely off, but nothing works.

I’ve changed tube temperature, pressure setting, and even changed mask brands.

I talked to the pulmonary therapist at Lincare. He’s got no idea. I talked to my otolaryngologist. He’s got no idea. I talked to my pulmonologist, he says I may have to learn to live with it.

This is nothing that I want to learn to live with. I sound like an old model T trying to start for an hour and a half every morning. It’s not fared on my wife or our dog.

I eventually get it all cleared out, but it’s a big nuisance.

Another of the problems is that I am a broadcaster and I do a radio program every morning at 9:30.

RE: Throat and windpipe full every morning. - cdplatt - 08-28-2024

Phlegm (mucus) in the throat:  From sinus/nasal passages, lungs, or stomach.  Do you have acid reflux?  You may need to raise your torso/head (at the risk of more apnea). Allergies?  Have you tried an antihistamine?  Lungs?  Viruses, bacteria clinging to mask/hoses can be blown into lungs/bronchioles causing irritation, inflammation, disease.  Make sure equipment is cleaned/disinfected/replaced per manufacturer's suggestions.  Consider each possible source and measures you may take to reduce the problem.  Seems like a trial and error approach may be necessary if none of the health professionals can pinpoint the problem and assist you in mitigating it.

RE: Throat and windpipe full every morning. - G. Szabo - 08-28-2024

You might want to try taking 1,000 mg N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) before bedtime.

RE: Throat and windpipe full every morning. - srlevine1 - 08-28-2024

Have you considered using a respiratory relief device like a lung flute or flutter device to help clear secretions in the morning? Also, are you adequately hydrated?

RE: Throat and windpipe full every morning. - John Leslie - 08-28-2024

I have tried every setting from 0 to 86% and everything in between.

RE: Throat and windpipe full every morning. - Deborah K. - 08-28-2024

Did you get some NAC to try?  That should help with your terrible drainage.  Guaifenesin is an over the counter medicine that also helps by thinning mucus and making it easier to control.  Get the 400 mg tablets if you buy some.

I have tiny sinuses and poor drainage, so I have been using Guaifenesin for years.  I added the NAC a few months ago and it is helping too.  When I use a neti pot, almost nothing comes out now.  That was never the case before adding the NAC.