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[CPAP] Help optimize - Printable Version

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Help optimize - speaker - 09-02-2024

I am now using F40 mask for the past few weeks. Before that I used F20. I found F40 to be more comfortable in the night (especially when I put on my glasses) and want to continue using it. However, I find that I have more events on F40 than I had on F20. F20 generally recorded about an AHI of 0.2 to 0.5 at pressures 10.6-12.6 and 11-13. F40 generally records 0.5 to 1.2 (with one outlier at 2.1). Most events are CA events, though there is 1-3 H or OA every couple of days. Never exceeded more than 4 combined. "Total time in Apnea" measures at less than 1 minute plus mostly.

I assume it is better to get the numbers down, but I don't see what I should adjust: increasing pressure would increase CA count, while decreasing would increase OA/H as I understand it. Any help is apprecaited.

RE: Help optimize - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 09-02-2024

There is nothing there I would recommend tweaking. Things look good. Not perfect, but good for sleep.

Numbers are just that, numbers. What matters is how well do you sleep. If you wake up refreshed with an AHI of 2, then that is fine. If you wake up cranky with an AHI of 0.0, then something needs tweaking.

For now, I would leave things as they are and see how you feel over more time.

RE: Help optimize - OpalRose - 09-02-2024

I agree with Peace ^
Your numbers look pretty good.  The small amount of CA's are not much at all and not to worry over. BUT.... if you want to try to minimize them for your own peace of mind, adjust the EPR setting to 2 or even 1.  

Watch for any negative effect, like more Hypopnea or flow limitation.  See what feels best for you and what the results are.
How you feel is better than chasing numbers.

I doubt you would see an increase in Obstructives, as the EPR of 2 or even 1 would give you a higher EPAP.
EPAP is what sprints the airway open and keeps the Obstructives at bay. Right now, your chart doesn't show any Obstructives.

I wouldn't adjust the actual pressure for now, just try the lower EPR of 2 or 1 for a couple days and see how it goes.

RE: Help optimize - speaker - 09-02-2024

Thanks @PeaceLoveAndPizza and @OpalRose. Will follow the current therapy then for another week or two then. Right now, I feel energetic through out the day most days, but feel tired while driving in the evening once in a while. If I see that I need to tweak, I will change the EPR per your suggestions.