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AS11 not running or collecting data? - Printable Version

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AS11 not running or collecting data? - slatejetpack - 09-23-2024

Last night, I turned on my AS11 and went to sleep, but my usage time only showed a little over five hours and recorded no data. Both automatic stop and start features are disabled. I had this happen another day and thought maybe the cat shut off my unit, but this makes me think otherwise. I'm open to any feedback anyone might have. Thanks!


RE: AS11 not running or collecting data? - Rickyricardo - 09-24-2024

I doubt it went off (and if it did, not due to the cat) because when I have been using a PAP and there was a power failure, I woke up fairly quickly because I couldn't breathe.

The chart shows start and end times from 10 pm to 630 am yet under 4 1/2 hours of use.

I suspect it didn't/couldn't write to the card for 4 hours as an anomaly of some kind.

RE: AS11 not running or collecting data? - slatejetpack - 09-25-2024

I ended up preserving the data from my SDĀ card and then doing the following:

1. Erase data from AS11
2. Change TZ from GMT -5 to GMT -4
3. Format SD card

MyAir seemed to hang onto my usage history and OSCAR does its job. I think the lack of an automatic switch for DST is what exacerbated this condition from the machine.