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My Wife is New to CPAP and trying to understand these Charts - Printable Version

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My Wife is New to CPAP and trying to understand these Charts - acharris77 - 10-22-2024

Hi all, I need some advice. My wife has been recently diagnosed with Mild OSA with excessive Daytime sleepiness. She recieved a Philips Dreamstation 2 machine 2 weeks ago, and the first week seemed ok but then Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday she had her regular symptoms but she slept for 7 hours at night and then another 5 to 6 hours through the day starting from around 11:30am and till we went to bed around midnight and was falling asleep reguarly on those days. On Monday I put a SD card in and got the sleep data for her worse night which was 23.73. 

She was initially diagnosed with an AHI of around 9, so was surprised to see that she went up massively. Then on Monday night she had a reading of 3.9 for the night, which is a good reading. I have enclosed some data as I can't understand it fully and I am worried if she has CSA now from the machine as I have heard it can happen. Thanks for any help as this has been a stressful 18 months dealing with this and hoping we can get back to some normality. Thanks again.


RE: My Wife is New to CPAP and trying to understand these Charts - Old Steve - 10-22-2024

Welcome to the forum.

She needs a higher minimum pressure, I would suggest that she sets it at 9cm to start (4cm is for a child)  She also appears to be having Positional Apneas (clusters of Apneas) pressure will not help this.  PA's are caused by chin tucking, like bending a garden hose to shut off the water.  If she sleeps on her back she should try sleeping on her side, get a lower pillow, some folks use a soft cervical collar to keep from chin tucking.  If she didn't have Central Apneas on her sleep test they should go away in time.  Give the higher pressure a few days and post some more charts.   Good luck.

RE: My Wife is New to CPAP and trying to understand these Charts - acharris77 - 10-22-2024

Thanks for your reply. The sleep clinic left it all on Auto so I guess that is why it is set to 4. Will have a look how to change it on the Dreamstation 2 to start at a higher minimum pressure. Yes she does sleep on her back, so will also look into other positions but due to her arthritis in her hips it can be difficult to lay on her side, but will look into that as well. Thanks for your help again and will post back with new charts in a few days.

RE: My Wife is New to CPAP and trying to understand these Charts - acharris77 - 10-22-2024

Here is the chart from last night which was only 3.87. Thanks again