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Don't want to sleep. - Printable Version

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Don't want to sleep. - dustpicc - 03-08-2014


I recently got a Respironics BiPAP Auto Bi-Flex (SystemOne 50 Series) and was given a really high pressure, a full face mask and it just makes me even more depressed looking at it.

I am avoiding sleeping because I feel panicky when I wear it.. and wake up with intense pain in my stomach (it's like it fills up with air.)

They set my min to 14 and the max to 24.

I look at the machine and want to run away from it.

I don't know what to do. The combination of the mask and the pressure just make me dread thinking about going to bed.

RE: Don't want to sleep. - Tez62 - 03-08-2014

dustpicc, welcome, do you know what your AHI was at your sleep study? Wwhat is your AHI now in the time you have been using it It seems high but maybe it's needed to treat your apnea's. How long have you actually been using it? You need to give it a chance for a number of weeks if not months to get accurate data and to see whether it helps the symptoms of sleep apnea you had before you were diagnosed. It is dauting at the start be it does get better with time.

RE: Don't want to sleep. - dustpicc - 03-08-2014

The sleep report states 94.6 AHI. I just received the machine Tuesday.

RE: Don't want to sleep. - Sleepster - 03-08-2014

(03-08-2014, 03:19 AM)dustpicc Wrote: The sleep report states 94.6 AHI. I just received the machine Tuesday.
My son was in a similar situation. You can use the ramp feature, which will lower the pressure making it more comfortable.

It's just a hose blowing air. Try wearing it when you don't plan to sleep, like when you're watching TV or surfing the net, or reading or listening to music. Anything to relax you and take your mind off of it.

The sooner you start the sooner you'll get used to it.

You'll sleep better and feel better. With a AHI of 94.6 you haven't been getting any quality sleep for long time. You're putting a lot of stress on your cardiovascular system, too.

RE: Don't want to sleep. - dustpicc - 03-08-2014

Do you think that starting the pressure at 14 is a bit extreme? I have family members who have CPAP and say their max setting is 9. They have mine at 24 and min at 14. Also, why did they refuse to let me have a nasal mask? Don't I have a say in my treatment? Sad

RE: Don't want to sleep. - zonk - 03-08-2014

Hi dustpicc, welcome aboard
Air in the stomach/bloating (aerophagia) http://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php?title=Aerophagia

Its important talk to your doc about the intense pain, perhaps the doc can lower the pressure just below the threshold which causing aerophagia for a while and than slowly working up to prescribed pressures

Hang in there, aerophagia would fade away as your body get used to the pressures
From http://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php?title=Tips_for_new_CPAP_users
2. Trouble getting used to wearing the CPAP device
It may help to start by practicing wearing just the CPAP mask for short periods of time while you're awake, for example while watching TV. Then try wearing the mask and hose with the air pressure on, still during the daytime, while you're awake. Once you become accustomed to how that feels, shift to using the CPAP device every time you sleep — at night and during naps. Inconsistently wearing the CPAP device may delay getting used to it. Stick with it for several weeks or more to see if the mask and pressure settings you have will work for you.

RE: Don't want to sleep. - DeepBreathing - 03-08-2014

(03-08-2014, 03:42 AM)dustpicc Wrote: Do you think that starting the pressure at 14 is a bit extreme? I have family members who have CPAP and say their max setting is 9. They have mine at 24 and min at 14. Also, why did they refuse to let me have a nasal mask? Don't I have a say in my treatment? Sad

It does seem extreme, but your AHI is also extreme. It means that 90 times an hour, your breathing stopped for 10 seconds or more. Put it another way - every 40 seconds you stopped breathing for 10. Every 40 seconds your system got a shot of adrenaline to get you breathing again, with a significant impact on your heart. This is way up at the limit - "very severe" apnea is defined (here in Australia) as 60 / hour - you're having 50% more events than very severe.

I concur with the other posters about the best approach. Talk to your doctor to get the pressures lowered until you're comfortable, then work back up to the therapy pressure. Use the ramp feature, which will cause the machine to start at a low pressure and gradually build up to the therapy pressure (by which time you should be comfortably asleep).

Getting a mask which is comfortable and doesn't leak is the biggest hurdle. I don't know why they wouldn't let you have a nasal mask, but again - talk to your doctor and (if there is no good reason why not) get him to prescribe a nasal mask or "mask of patient' choice". Given your pressures, it's possible you will have trouble with air leaking through your mouth. You might need a chin strap (or duct tape Smile ) to help keep your mouth closed.

It can be overwhelming at first, and results aren't always instant, but with an AHI over 90 you have a very serious illness which will affect the rest of your body. It's going to take a lot of grit and determination to beat this thing, but CPAP is the best (and for most people the only) way to do it.

Good luck!

RE: Don't want to sleep. - Marnid2014 - 03-08-2014

I was in your shoes earlier as well. I found out that my sleep study was in error. I was told I MUST sleep on my back for the study, They told me I had severe Apnea and my pressure was set at 17. it about blew me off the bed. I talked to my doctor who said, if you sleep on your side, I don't know why they made you sleep on your back, let's try going back to about 6 and then we will move up as needed. Well, my number is only 6 to 8 NOT 17!!!!!

I am not advising you to do anything but to ask your doctor if you can be monitored beginning on a lower pressure and then move from there. This worked for me and my AHI has been about the 0.23 - 0.94 rate for a month. Also I am using a nasal pillow which I now have leak rates that are very low. Good luck, baby steps are better in my opinion.

RE: Don't want to sleep. - mjbearit - 03-08-2014

Hey Dustpicc, welcome to the forum and to a (hopefully) improved life! Once you get over the hurdles of this machine, you will find you have more energy and just plain feel better!
As to the mask thing, I'm not sure why your doctor wants you to do certain things a certain way, but I do know that with my nasal mask if the pressure jumps up really high I have a problem keeping a seal on it. I believe I read somewhere that nasal masks are only appropriate for pressures under 15 or something like that. That may be what your doctor is talking about.
As to your pressure, you can always talk to the doctor about lowering it and then gradually stepping it back up. This would help with the air in your stomach as well as give you some time to get used to the pressure. There is a button on the top of your machine next to the knob that has a triangle on it. This is the ramp button and will lower the pressure to whatever the doctor had them set it to and over a period of time (again dependent on what the doc had it set to, but is usually like 20 minutes or so) will gradually come up to full pressure.
Overall, I think you really need to talk to your doctor about this. You need to have a frank discussion with him to prevent becoming so frustrated you quit using the machine.
Good luck!

RE: Don't want to sleep. - trish6hundred - 03-08-2014

Hi dustpicc,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
I would talk to your doc about lowering your pressure for a bit 'til you get used to it.
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time with your therapy but I encourage you to stick with it, don't give up, it does get better as you use it.
Best of luck to you.