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xPAP therapy works - Printable Version

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xPAP therapy works - PaulaO2 - 04-13-2012

I am here to testify.

Brother, Sister, and Undisclosed Hose Heads: I had an experience I thought I would share.

I recently got an oximeter primarily for my own curiosity. I have only used it 4 nights so far but the data has been interesting.

My machine is not data capable (dangit) so I don't use any software like SleepyHead or ResScan. I use the software that came with the meter, SpO2 Review. With it, I download the data for that night. It shows O2 readings and pulse.


The above graph is 3hrs into my sleep (click to enlarge it). You can see the pulse (blue line) and the O2 (green line). The dips in the O2 is where I am having small apnea events. Not too bad. You can see my heart respond. Again, not too bad. I'm quite proud of that low pulse.

Then there's the graph below. I woke up, turned off the CPAP and took off the oximeter. I had the alarm on for some reason and it beeped to tell me I'd taken it off. I put it back on since that was easier for my brain to handle than remembering how to turn the alarm off. I don't wake up as the intelligent being I usually am but am instead quite duh. Anyway, I rolled over and started petting one of the dogs. He put his head on my hip and I fell back asleep. Quite unusual for me, actually. The graph below is an hour of that sleep (click to enlarge it, too).


See the difference? See the repeated, rapid dips in the O2? See my heart respond?

Not good. Not good at all. My CPAP is doing its job. But it can only do it if I have it and the mask on. Silly Paula. No cookie.

This is what happens to use when we don't use the machine. That stress on the heart adds up. That constant change in the blood's O2 adds up. I will most likely be using a CPAP for the rest of my life. And that's fine by me. At least I will be alive!

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-13-2012

here is mine last night, all night, with the mask on for comparison. it's clear to see where the events happened and how the o2 dipped and the heart responded. my general lower o2, below 95 with corresponding slightly higher heart rate may be due to some lung disease.

you should change the title of the post to "i'll show you, if you show me" to wake up these hosers.


RE: xPAP therapy works - PaulaO2 - 04-13-2012

Wow. How is your machine's data? How do you feel? That's a lot of dips in the O2.

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-13-2012

in the opposite scenario, here is my wife all night long without her mask on. 88% is generally accepted as the point below which you need supplemental o2.


RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-13-2012

(04-13-2012, 02:23 PM)PaulaO2 Wrote: Wow. How is your machine's data? How do you feel? That's a lot of dips in the O2.

somewhat out of control with some other medical stuff that may be affecting it. we're both seeing our new primary doc monday and will get appointments to see the sleep doc to talk about it. i have very few oa's, maybe a handful per week. most of mine is hypopneas and clear airway apneas. feel? terrible plus lightheadedness.

RE: xPAP therapy works - PaulaO2 - 04-13-2012

Her CPAP isn't working for her, is it? What is her and the doc's plan?

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-13-2012

(04-13-2012, 02:32 PM)PaulaO2 Wrote: Her CPAP isn't working for her, is it? What is her and the doc's plan?

she's more of a beginner. we're working on it a night at a time. like alot of newbies, a couple hours here, 4 hours there, maybe all night and then some nights don't want to hear it. in your face 02 stats do help the process.

RE: xPAP therapy works - zimlich - 04-13-2012

I don't desat (at least never had in the lab and on a couple of pulse os tests at home) but thanks for posting your data. I wouldn't sleep without my machine. On vacation last summer I got it in my head I would try to do without the CPAP for the week. My partner said why would you not wear your CPAP if it was prescribed for you? So I used it all week. Don't think I could have slept without the machine. Putting on that mask is like climbing into a cocoon and going to sleep.

RE: xPAP therapy works - greatunclebill - 04-13-2012

here's screenshots of sleepyhead last night to go along with that o2 data. not real pretty, leaks are part of it.




RE: xPAP therapy works - CHanlon - 04-13-2012

That's all pretty eye-opening, even for someone like me that has seen his O2 info after a sleep study and gone "Oh, that's bad..." I've been sort of considering getting one of those oximeters just for extra data... now I'm thinking more seriously about it.