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Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - Printable Version

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Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - on the virge - 02-14-2015

• Using data export of Sleepyhead, one of the parameters is titled "Pressure 1%". Can anyone shed light on this value? I presume it might be 90%?
• In the backup done by Sleepyhead, there are two folders: Events and Summaries. I presume these are stored copies of the "Events section of the Daily Data" and the CPAP Statistics table neither of which are completely in the exported data. Is there a program that will read these files hence allow data manipulation and analysis? I am mostly interested in the events data (time of event and duration). I am curious to see whether there is a correlation among days between time of onset and time of day for example. Silly example would be (assuming I lived near a railroad track) whether the onset of an apnea consistently happened at the scheduled passing of a freight train. I'm just curious.
• What/where/how do things change if "Keep Waveform/Event Data in Memory" box is checked in the Import submenu of the Preferences Tab? Does that allow the export of the Event data such as time and duration?
• How does one interpret the "By Pressure" waveform? I understand the top line displays minutes at the various pressures for the whole night or whatever time frame is selected. I don't understand the meaning of the colored lines that rise and fall, again for the whole night or whatever time frame is selected. They seem to be color coordinated with the various events but the numbers under the various pressures don't seem to correlate with other data. The slope of the lines is displaying something but I'm not sure what it is.
• Yesterday I installed Encore Basic as a second view to Sleepyhead. I find it tantalizing but unsatisfying compared to Sleepyhead which I embrace. I compared the minutes at pressure for both programs (the By Pressure "waveform" in Sleepyhead and the Daily Events per hour matrix in Encore Basic's Therapy Details Report). The numbers are quite different. Since they are working with the same data, I would expect approximately the same numbers. The attachment shows the two data sets. Does anyone have any ideas?
• In Sleepyhead, the CPAP Statistics screen displays under Leak Statistics
% of time above Leak Rate threshold 2.22%
While the Overview graphs display Large Leaks (If selected) and for the same day the graph "tool tip" displays "% in LL - 2.86"
Any thoughts.
Finally, my prescription is 8-12; however, the minutes at pressure data show data in discrete cells (8,9,10,11,12) that is why the headers in the attachment are what I presume they mean. Unless, the machine really provides pressure at those discrete pressures. But that makes some of the other data strange, for example, reporting 90%pressure less than 9.456 which would be either 9 or 10 for discrete pressures. Also I use the ramp which runs for 20 minutes, yet neither program shows minutes at pressure less than my prescription 8 even though total minutes presented really equals total system time.

RE: Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - Sleeprider - 02-14-2015

You work in a technology vocation (geek) right?

I think you need to join Jedi Mark's beta group and ask these questions.

RE: Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - on the virge - 02-14-2015

(02-14-2015, 10:13 PM)Sleeprider Wrote: You work in a technology vocation (geek) right?

No I worked in budget and program control before I retired 14 years ago.

RE: Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - SuperSleeper - 02-14-2015

In the meantime, I will copy & paste on the virge's points from this thread into the private SleepyHead Testing Forum. JediMark is having some health issues, so I'm not sure he will be able to take quick action, but at least these points can be posted there for documentation and to help for future fixes and such.


RE: Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - TheManseHen - 02-14-2015

Sorry I don't have answers for you. I do know reading all the sleepyhead pages at the top of the forum page section, was helpful..not just the first couple on downloading but the ones on understanding data in Sleepyhead.

I too would like the answer to how to understand the "by pressure" graphs, so if you get a handle on it, please write back here and tell me!

The Manse Hen

RE: Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - justMongo - 02-14-2015

(02-14-2015, 10:31 PM)SuperSleeper Wrote: In the meantime, I will copy & paste on the virge's points from this thread into the private SleepyHead Testing Forum. JediMark is having some health issues, so I'm not sure he will be able to take quick action, but at least these points can be posted there for documentation and to help for future fixes and such.


I am sorry to hear about that.
Luke, use the Force!

RE: Technical questions regarding Sleepyhead - me50 - 02-15-2015

I hope Jedimark gets well soon.