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OSCAR Installation

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This installation guide is part of the suite of OSCAR help articles. See OSCAR Help

Download page

OSCAR is available at the official download page:

There are OSCAR versions available for Windows, Apple Mac and Linux.

You may also read the page in a number of different languages - the list of languages is along the top of the page.

OSCAR is open source software, and there are links to the source code near the bottom of the page. Note that this is for software developers - the great majority of users don't need to worry about the source code.

OSCAR Installation: Windows

Windows version

See OSCAR Installation: Windows.

Apple Mac version

See OSCAR Installation: Apple Mac


  1. Open the OSCAR.dmg file that you downloaded. You will see a Finder window with the OSCAR application:
  2. To install OSCAR, you need to copy it to the Applications folder on your computer. To do so:
    1. Open the Applications folder in Finder by selecting the "Go" menu and then "Applications":
    2. Arrange the windows so that you can see the OSCAR icon and the Applications folder, as shown below.
    3. Click on the OSCAR icon and drag it into the Applications window. Note the green "+" cursor indicating that it will be copied to this location when you unclick:
  3. To launch OSCAR for the first time, you will need to grant it permission, otherwise you will receive an error that it "can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer." To grant OSCAR permission to run:
    1. Hold down the "control" key on your keyboard and click on the new OSCAR icon in the Applications folder. Select "open" from the menu that will appear:
    2. A window will appear advising you that "OSCAR is from an unidentified developer" and asking if you want to run it. Click "Open" to grant it permission:
      You will only need to do this the first time you run OSCAR after installing any new version.


  • Help, I'm getting the following error!
    "OSCAR" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
    This can happen after installing a new version of OSCAR. Open the Applications folder as shown in step 2 above and then see step 3 above to grant OSCAR permission to run.

Linux version

To install OSCAR on Ubuntu or Debian, download the appropriate file for your platform. Then:

sudo dpkg -i [OSCAR package filename.deb]

Substitute the name of the package you downloaded. It is important to use sudo rather than install as root, so that the package will install the .desktop file in your account.

To remove OSCAR:

sudo dpkg -r oscar

Migrating SleepyHead data

OSCAR needs to set up a folder to store your data in. Click OK to accept the recommended folder or No to select an alternative folder.

Oscar data dialog.png

If you have previously used SleepyHead, OSCAR can migrate your SleepyHead data (including your settings and preferences) into the new OSCAR data folder. Select OK for OSCAR to copy your SleepyHead data or else select No.

If you select No, Oscar will start and take you to the profile creation page. You will then be able to import your data from an SD card. See Running OSCAR for the first time.

Note that you can only migrate your SleepyHead data at this time. You can copy the raw data (no settings or preferences) later, but it's not so easy and is only recommended for advanced users. See #Copying SleepyHead data (Advanced users).

SleepyHead request.PNG

If you select OK OSCAR will then open a file selector window, where you can locate and select your SleepyHead data folder. OSCAR will then copy all the data across to the new OSCAR data folder, with a bar chart to mark its progress (this can take some little while). Note that the SleepyHead data is copied so the original data stays in place and you can still use it with SleepyHead if you wish.

SleepyHead Select.png


On completion of the data migration, you are ready for review the data migrated from SleepyHead, or set set up a new profile. See Running OSCAR for the first time

Copying SleepyHead data (Advanced users)

If you have not migrated your SleepyHead data as part of the OSCAR installation, you may be able to copy the raw data into your Oscar data file later. Note that this will only work if SleepyHead has backed up the raw data as it's downloaded. If you don't have the data backed up, this process will not work.

Location of backup files

SleepyHead's default configuration will back up your raw data into a folder(s) in your profile directory. The typical path in Windows is


(see image below).

Path to backup.PNG

Copying raw data

In OSCAR's Welcome page select the CPAP Importer icon. Alternatively select File | Import Data from the menu or press Shift|F2. OSCAR will search for an SD card: If the card is found it will bring up a dialog asking if that is where you want to import the data from. If there is no card, it will try to find a data directory on the hard drive(s).

Folder located.PNG

On the dialog, select Specify, which will take you to a file selector dialog. Navigate to the location of your backup data and select the Backup folder. OSCAR will then copy the raw data from the backup folder to the OSCAR data folder. If you have more than one machine in your profile, you will need to copy the data from each one individually.

Once the data has been copied across, check the Overview page to ensure there are no unexpected gaps. It is wise to validate the data transfer by viewing a few randomly selected days in both SleepyHead and Oscar to ensure the data is unchanged.

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