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OSCAR Daily screen

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Revision as of 08:00, 30 April 2019 by JM (talk | contribs) (Left side-bar)
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OSCAR help

This page is part of the OSCAR Help documentation.


This page explains in detail the OSCAR Daily screen and how to interpret the data on that screen.

Left side-bar

The left part of the Daily screen is referred to as the 'left side-bar. It contains details of your machine and its settings, your AHI and other sleep indicators, and the amount of time you were asleep.

Starting from the top, the key parts of the left side-bar are
  1. Program identification, menu and tabs, as found on all screens within OSCAR
  2. The current date
  3. Tabs to select details, events, notes and bookmarks
  4. AHI Summary
  5. Machine type and settings summary
  6. Session starting, ending and total times
  7. Event rates per hour
  8. Statistics for pressure, leaks, snores and respiration
  9. Machine Settings Details
  10. Session Information
  11. Buttons to turn sessions on and off

4.2 Left Sidebar Data---Statistical Data chart

4.2.1 Statistical Leak Data
OSCAR Side-bar.png

Important Daily Detailed Graphs

          4.3.1 The Events Table
          4.3.2 The Flow Rate graph
          4.3.3 The Pressure graph
          4.3.4 The Leak Rate graph
          4.3.5 The Snore graph
          4.3.6 The Flow Limitation Graph
          4.3.7 ALL OTHER GRAPHS

Advanced OSCAR graphs

The Flow Rate graph---a detailed look

          4.5.1 Inspiration Expiration Ratio (I:E Ratio)
          4.5.2 Robysue's Flow Rate Interpretation from Forum Posts

The Pressure graph---a detailed look

          4.6.1 Common concerns that people have about their Pressure graph

Leak Rate Graph---a detailed look

          4.7.1 Defining Large Leaks
          4.7.2 Part II: Are my leaks bad enough to worry about?
     Great, Good, and Decent Enough Leak/Total Leak lines
     Problematic Leak/Total Leak Lines
     Bad and Horrible Leak/Total Leak Lines

The AHI Graph

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