OSCAR Installation
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Test that changes are saved
- Download OSCAR (tbd URL download page)
- Move the download file (OSCAR x.x.x-Winxx-067674CA.zip) to a new directory. Suggested C:\OSCAR
- Right click on the downloaded file (OSCAR 1.0.0-Winxx-067674CA.zip) and select "Extract All"
- Navigate to the OSCAR.exe (C:\OSCAR\OSCAR-x.x.x-Winxx\OSCAR-x.x.x\OSCAR.exe) This is the file you want to execute.
Windows, especially Windows 10 may attempt to protect your PC from this new download and the below popups may appear.
Click on the "More info" button, and then
Click on the "Run anyway"
Any additional Anti-Virus software that you are running may react in a similar manner.
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