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OSCAR Organization - Daily Page

1,183 bytes removed, 04:33, 24 July 2019
 These are the graphs that the experienced forum members keep referring to when they ask for more specific information about what your graphs look like.<br /> Here's a close up of the top of the graphical data:<br /> [[File:graphs1_zpsffe4b21d.jpg]] <br /> !-- The top chart is the '''Events chart'''. The Events chart gives a snapshot of just how good or bad the night was. (This patient had a really good night on material below this night). In SleepyHead 0.9.5 and 0.9.6, this chart line is pinned to the top of the detailed data graphs and it will NOT scroll out of view when you scroll down to look at more graphs. Itfrom RobySue's best guide to leave the Events chart pinned since it serves as a navigation guide: The Events chart does not zoom in with the rest of the graphsSleepyHeadThe '''Flow Rate''' graph is often called the wave flow data. When you zoom in on this graph you can see a trace Most of every breath you took all night long. The labels on it duplicates the rest of the graphs are selfnewer material above and has been deleted --explanatory once you know the jargon. This is discussed later in this article. Scrolling down reveals additional daily data graphs:<br /[[File:graphs2_zps1a38e585.jpg]]<br /> The particular graphs that you will see in OSCAR depends on the machine you are using and whether you have turned any of the available graphs "off". This is discussed later in this article as well.

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