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Translators Guide

2,961 bytes added, 15:16, 7 September 2020
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'''<span class="new-win">
[ Afrikaans] /
[ في الصفحة] /
[ български] /
[ Dansk] /
[ Deutsch] /
[ Ελληνικά] /
[ Español] /
[ Suomalainen] /
[ Français] /
[ עברית] /
[ Magyar] /
[ Italiano] /
[ Nederlands] /
[ Norsk] /
[ Pilipino] /
[ Polskie] /
[ Português] /
[ Românește] /
[ Svenska] /
[ Türkçe] /
[ ภาษาไทย] /
[ 中文]</span>'''<br />
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An OSCAR translator is part of ''the OSCAR Team'' and as such has wide access to everything that happens in the private OSCAR Team section of the ApneaBoard Forum. That means that a translator:
* has full access to the '''Translations Discussion Forum''' (A Sub-forum of the ''Apnea Software Talk'' Forum) and has to correspond everything concerning "translations" or "languages" in only that forum. Arie Klerk, who is appointed ''Translations Team Coordinator'' is a moderator of this Forum and has to read and act on all threads and posts here. Instructions for new translation sessions (i.e. at the start of a new beta version) will be posted there. Although Arie will send an email to all translators in order to ring a bell, the responses must be posted here.

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