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Advisory Members group

20 bytes added, 23:27, 23 April 2016
clarifying updated AM selection procedures
::3. Pre-approval by Apnea Board Administrators and Moderators
Candidates for Advisory Member will be considered for admission into this group within a few weeks after meeting the qualifications. The promotion is not automatic nor immediate and is based upon whether or not staff believe the candidate to be a "good fit" within the group, and this decision process can take several daysweeks. In order to retain Advisory Member status, Advisory Members must make a minimum of one pertinent post in the Main Forum each month. Advisory Members who remain inactive without posting for a one-month period may have their Advisory Member status temporarily suspended. Suspended Advisory Members can be re-instated by becoming an active poster again and then writing a Private Message (PM) to SuperSleeper requesting reinstatement.
Members who are entered into this "elite" private group will have the following badge under their forum username:<br />

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