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Optimizing therapy

811 bytes added, 18:47, 16 January 2019
Positional Apnea
Starting in 2016 we started seeing CPAP users using a loose fitting soft cervical collar (loose fitting because we want comfort and are not stabilizing the neck) to manage Mouth Breathing. Additionally, it was noted to resolve Position Apnea.
Two ways to check for this Positional Apnea
* Sit relaxed in a chair and as you fully relax let your chin drop to your chest and note the increased airway resistance that may range from an increased effort to a snore or full blockage.
* Another test is to gently push upward on the soft part of your jaw or neck right in front of the throat.
If your airway easily closes from that pressure, positional therapy in the form of a soft cervical collar or wedge may significantly improve your results. </br>
The fit needs to support the jaw and chin, without impinging on the throat or soft tissue between the chin and throat. Getting the right fit in terms of height, circumference and feel may take some persistence, but it might also make it possible for you to control OA and H events at lower pressures.
An Anti-Snoring collar (no back) also works as does a CPAP Pillow, or even a small pillow set under the chin, with the pillows being less effective than the collars.
Sometimes the solution is simple, use a smaller pillow to reduce the chin tuck.<br />

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