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Translators Guide

985 bytes added, 09:48, 3 September 2022
added info in Workflow
* gives '''commitment''' to spending time and effort in translating OSCAR text strings. Though all of us are volunteers, the work is not optional... We expect you make efforts to fulfill the commitment.
* will use '''Qt Linguist''' as aid to translate and maintain the language file. Thus a uniform workflow makes sure that all languages can be used in OSCAR. Explanation of Qt Linguist can be found later on in this wiki.
* is encouraged to use the '''DeepL program''' for the translation of words and strings (Google translate may be used as a backup, together with other language translation programs and sites). DeepL can be downloaded and used for free from and works ultimately easily. Both private and business use of the DeepL Translator (free) service are free of charge.
* is expected to have '''knowledge''' of Sleep Apnea terms and machine settings or willing to gain this knowledge.
* is aware of the '''impact and risks''' of the translated work for the users who use OSCAR in their language.
== Workflow ==
Since OSCAR emerged in 2019, as the successor of SleepyHead after the developer abandoned the program, a new version was released about every year. As new or altered translation strings mostly happen before the first beta of a new version, there is plenty of time (several months) before the deadline of a new release. And you can be sure that Arie informs you all several times in advance!
Somewhere in the future, the program will undergo a drastic overhaul: a new database structure and -even more important- a new User Interface will be programmed! Rest assured, that these will even take much more than a year and presumably go in parallel with minor updates to the standing version.
The objective is to have at least two translators for each language of whom one takes main responsibility. That is the case for Finnish, French (even 3), Italian, Polish, Russian, and now also Bulgarian. The others just like to work on their own, or because there's nobody volunteering 😀
* The most up-to-date language files are available on Arie Klerk's DropBox, here:
* Download your language file and update it as necessary

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