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1) Yes my pulse really is sometimes 90 BPM (which nicely matches the analyses a few posts earlier looking at wiggles on the tail end of my exhalations).
2) Data integrates nicely into OSCAR
3) Take the relative positioning of O2/pulse data with a pinch of salt when zooming in closely. The clocks on the PAP machine and the Oximeter are probably not synchronized. There can easily be a time shift between the oximeter data and the CPAP data.
4) Nevertheless, there are some interesting cyclic O2 swings that correlate with cyclic breathing anomalies
Maybe I'll buy an oximeter after all. I'll be looking to pay a little extra and get the same brand that I used last night. They should be fairly durable if the lab uses them as loaners on an ongoing basis. There should be none of the disclaimers saying "Do not use this probe for more than 2 hours" as we see on cheaper models. It felt comfortable and I forgot I had it on.
Oximeter was Virtuox Vpod Ultra
$64,000 question... what's going on with the cyclic CA breathing?
It shows "nice" waveforms versus "bad" waveforms resulting in a RERA event.
Hoping to get one with better axis exaggeration on the flow rate later tonight.
Here's how I did it... It's an animated "gif" file
Many programs can create them.. some are easier than others.
However I used "gimp" which is an opensource free image processing program (like a free version of Photoshop.. kinda)
I just imported the first image then imported the second image as an overlay and then exported the whole file as an animation with timestep 0.5 seconds looping forever
Here's how : https://itstillworks.com/animate-jpg-com...00984.html
12-27-2019, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2019, 12:48 PM by ApneaQuestions.)
RE: Interpretation Questions - My OSCAR Data
You are right!
Virtuox VPod Ultra is actually rebranded Contec CMS50I
For some reason the SAME oximeter was detected with two different "names" by SpO2Assistant.
I noticed a popup running Sp02Assistant saying that the name had changed.. I just ignored it.
The "F" version (not the "I") is $83 (US) today on Amazon
Check the one star and 2 star ratings
As I mentioned elsewhere people claim the F version is...
1) Inaccurate (calibrated against macihine at Doctor's office)
2) Tends to fail rapidly (screen stops working)
3) Docs say only use probe for 2 hours at a time
4) etc
These things are only accurate +/- 2% anyway and rely on being non-anemic.
01-03-2020, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2020, 02:40 PM by ApneaQuestions.)
RE: Interpretation Questions - My OSCAR Data
So I'm now using my Titration machine as described here:ResMed S9 VPAP Tx
That thread will explain why I'm not showing OSCAR graphs
Determined to try to fix my flow limitations I just stepped straight into ASVAuto mode.
It was a perfect night of ZERO events and the waveforms are all fixed or significantly better.
(The "events" showing up in the "Annotations" area are simply "start therapy" & "stop therapy")
"My conclusion: Everybody wins with ASV with or without centrals."
well, not quite everyone. I used asv for more than a year and gave it up for now in favor of vauto.
while the algorithms worked well to get my ahi down around 0.3, aggressive & ineffective swings of pressure support against my non-passive flow limitations induced by periodic limb movements wore me down. there's no way with the resmed asv to minimize ipap max enough to avoid this problem.
vauto is better in my case for now with steady epap & ipap, min ps to help with the passive flow limitations & a low-ish ipap max to avoid the swinging pressure support problem with non-passive flow limitations. I have more events now in response to plm but they seem to take less of a toll than the crazy asv ps swings.
I say 'for now' because the asv treats my mixed apnea better & I expect to try it again if as when I get some meds that are more effective at managing periodic leg movement than what I take for it now.