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12-19-2024, 09:18 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2024, 09:19 AM by Hauko.)
Possible Aerophagia
I am pretty well set with my apap therpay atm at least most of the nights I think.
I am sleeping on my side rather than on my back these days which has made my ahi basically none existant most of the nights.
However I am still having the problem of a possible aerophagia because I wake up some days and I feel bloated like a mad man with constanc pain in my colon and stomach area.
I have flatualances for a couple of hourse and then I am back to normal mid day most of the time.
I am sleeping with a full face masks and basically have no leakage most nights so this propably isn't the problem.
Worst thing is I am suffering from pvc's possibly related to digestive issues and the days when I am bloated I can feel them way stronger and more freuqent.
My sleep doctor is basically 0 help sadly they just sent me away telling me there is nothing they can do.
Should I adjust pressure higher or lower?
Thinking of maybe getting a bipap machine which is suggested by most stuff I have seen
What you describe certainly sounds like aerophagia. Because your OAs and Hs are so well controlled, you can afford to experiment with lower pressures to see whether that will help.
I'd recommend that you set max = min = 7, keeping your EPR of 3. Give it a few nights to see how it goes, then post again. (Next time you post a chart, be sure to include the left panel, which has some useful information on it.)
I think I figured out what causes the aerophagia it is when my machine is ramping up the pressure in short time.
I woke up at 7:10 deeply inhaling through my mouth followed by firing out of both cylinders before going back to sleep.
It was so intense I even dreamt about beeing a t a state fair and getting in trouble because I was firing out of both ends.
I don't know what causes the periods where I need more pressure maybe positional apneas I mostly sleep on my right side but sometime roll onto my back while I sleep.
I think lowering the pressure then would only make it worse propably.
Should I lower my max pressure or ramp up my min pressure?
I've suggested setting your max and min pressures to 7, with EPR of 3. Aerophagia generally improves when pressures are lower.
Your pressure goes up and down in response to your flow limitations. For many people, the increase in pressure is more troublesome than whatever it may be able to do for FLs.
Your chart shows no obstructive apneas or hypopneas, so your pressures can probably be lower without problems.