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2 weeks in...can I optimise with AHI under 1 already
Hi all,
Am 2 weeks into the CPAP journey. Background with a home sleep study showing mild sleep Apnea with an AHI of 13. Referred to start CPAP and 2 weeks ago got my Resmed Autoset 10 with a Full Face Mask (F20). Currently set with ramp up for 10 mins on a pressure range of 4-15 (default settings by my health provider)
Have settled into using it and my AHI averages around 1! This is great on paper but am not feeling the immediate benefits as many others have (appreciate that everyone is different). Sure that perhaps over a longer period I will feel some stronger impact on my day to day.
I was on the Reddit CPAP sub and lots of people directed me to post up here using OSCAR on potential optimisation / advice / considerations - not sure how much better we can get! Have attached last nights data of 8 hours use. Any input welcome and happy to provide any further context.
RE: 2 weeks in...can I optimise with AHI under 1 already
Welcome to the board! Others far more experienced than I will amble in here at some point. My first take on it is you need to get those Flow Limitations down, to do that change the EPR from ramp only to full. There is always room to improve, and lower AHI isn't necessarily the goal of goals, it certainly comes with efficacious treatment, but that said a person could have pretty low AHI and still get a miserable nights sleep from all the disruptions surrounding OSA.
Good job on the charts too, people offering to help really appreciate it when folks do their homework and get stuff organized for analysis.
RE: 2 weeks in...can I optimise with AHI under 1 already
Thank you for the input! My results are attached for the last two nights with the updated settings of EPR3 and min pressure 7.
Interestingly my AHI increased to the 2-3 mark (compared to the ~1 AHI I was getting without EPR and the range 4-15). Haven't really felt any postive and negative change with the new setting but would love to get some understanding as to why the increase and what this may (or may not) signify and any adjustments.
Thank you in advance for those that reply - it really is appreciated!
RE: 2 weeks in...can I optimise with AHI under 1 already
You have some treatment emergent central, they will get less and less as you get use to therapy. I would stay with the settings and see how you are feeling after a week or 2. It takes a while to see the benefits of Cpap.