Herewith the google translated sleep study report. Hope it doesn't read too weird
Varied PAP Titration With Volume Support has effectively improved the obstructive sleep apnea and
alveolar hypoventilation, at optimal BiPAP pressures of 20/14 cm H2O (IPAP / EPAP) when the mask showed an optimal seal (19.2 L / min).
During increased leaks (> 25 L / min), the desaturation index was slightly increased, with similar saturation
levels as found with standard PAP (nasal cushions masks therefore not optimal for therapy - See Oxygen
Saturation and Pulse). The inspirational period of 2.36s also shows sub-optimal, and inspirational times of
> 3.5s may therefore have better value at an alveolar ventilation of 6.5 - 11.5 L / min (depending on effective
mask seal).
Home VPAP treatment will thus show greater value for the patient (in terms of standard PAP), provided that a good seal
retained on the mask against the high IPAP / EPAP. Volume support can also be of value,
but only if it is clinically necessary (equipment for it involves much higher costs). Alternative masks must
also being considered st, seeing that the nasal cushion mask will not be optimal for therapy.
During the titration the apnea / hypopnea index (AHI) was within normal limits at 8 / hour.
Only hypopnea was foud and correlate with an increase in the support breaths (backup rate) of 26%, as well as a increase in the
alveolar ventilation from 6.5 L / min to 11.5 L / min (hypoventilation component).
The inspiratory period was 2.36s
(feel very short for the patient -> 3.5s may show greater value), and the Inspiratory / Expiratory
ratio was 1.83: 1 (increased inspiratory breath - fit into hypoventilation component).
No snoring was observed at optimal VPAP pressures.
Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Rate:
The average awake oxygen saturation was 97% with an average oxygen
saturation during sleep of 95%. The minimum saturation of 88% was measured on single occasions during the
alveolar hypoventilation pattern, and during a good mask seal (<25 L / min with an average of 19.2 L / min),
with a desaturation index of 10 / hour. The average pulse rate was 73 bpm, with a maximum pulse rate of 109
bpm. However, the desaturation index shows higher at 40 / h during high mask leaks (> 25 L / min to 57.6
L / min), and was largely associated with the alveolar hypoventilation component during the periods, the
Minimum saturation during the episodes was 81%. Ivm with previous PAP Titration (previous night) and PSG recordings
the average oxygen saturation shows higher, although the minimum saturation is similar, with a higher
desaturation index (especially during periods of high mask leakages).
VPAP Pressure:
The optimal VPAP pressures for the night's sleep 20/14 cm H2O for IPAP / EPAP, with a 26%
support rhythm at an average alveolar ventilation of 6.5 l / min (provided a good mask seal can be retained).
VPAP Suitability:
The patient shows optimal VPAP suitability and has slept 7 hours 08 min with the device
for the test period, with his own nasal cushion mask. However, the nasal cushion mask does not show
optimally against the high IPAP / EPAP pressures, and the high leakage contributed to the increased desaturation index.
Alternative masks (nasal mask or full face mask) may therefore be of greater value to the patient on the
device. The inspiratory period also feels very short for the patient (tachypnea), and an inspiratory period of
> 3.5s may also be of better value.
Ok Hope that is readable. I tried correcting mistakes but my english usage is only for self defense
2nd question:
As i have a beard I am only considering nasal masks as fullface masks tend to cause to many leaks with me.
According to their specs the following two mask will work, any opinions on them:
ResmedAirFit N10 Compact Nasal Mask
Resmed Swift FX Nano