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AirSense 11 Stat Compliance Appears Wrong [solved]
Hi, I'm new and a retired technology developer.
I have had my AirSense 11 for over 30 days. I downloaded SD Card data to OSCAR 1.3.0 today. Not one of my days for usage was under 5 hours. The Compliance time is stated as 4 hours in the label. Columns MOST RECENT, LAST WEEK show 100% while the LAST 30 DAYS, LAST 60 DAYS, LAST YEAR all show 97%. How is that possible? Since its been over 30 days and not more than 60 days it should show 100% for LAST 30 DAYS and show nothing (or zero) for the other columns.
Also I noticed that the data in OSCAR shows 1 day less than MyAir app. MyAir has the data (I inserted the SD Card this morning...Sunday) for last night 27th under USAGE on MyAir yet OSCAR shows nothing for the 27th. Why isn't MyAir and OSCAR in sync?
Appreciate any feedback as this CPAP is all new to me.
11-28-2021, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2021, 03:43 PM by GuyScharf.)
RE: AirSense 11 Stat Compliance Appears Wrong
Welcome to ApneaBoard!
You've got several issues here:
1) About OSCAR data for last night, how soon after you got up did you remove the SD card from the machine? Are you sleeping a "normal" schedule -- evening until morning -- or are you sleeping during the day? As a first step, try importing from your SD card again and see if that picks up last night.
2) Data for the dates before you had the machine are calculated without including those dates. So data for the last six months is calculated starting from the first date of use, or 60 days ago, whichever is later. So those numbers are as expected. You can see missing monthly columns if you change from Standard to Monthly view in the lower-left corner.
3) You say not one of your days was usage under 5 hours. But OSCAR says there was a day with less than four hours. That happened for me when I first got my machine because the technician showing me the machine put a few minutes use on the first day. Look at the Usage graph on the Overview page to find the day where there was less than 4 hours use.
Apnea Board Monitors are members who help oversee the smooth functioning of the Board. They are also members of the Advisory Committee which helps shape Apnea Board's rules & policies. Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.
Hi, thanks for replying. My delay in response was I thought I would get an email indicating someone had responded... my mistake still learning how this all works.
Took SD Card out after the data was downloaded to it which was about a minute. My Airsense 11 schedule is from about midnight to 6 am each day.
The unit was mailed to me and had not been used. I tried it out for a few minutes and then left it on auto start until the evening to start my first day. Doesn't seem like that short amount of time would throw the average calculation off for a long period of time. Plus all of the usage data for the last few days in the start up month don't show in MyAir so assume not in calculations.
(12-13-2021, 12:48 PM)WIN4US Wrote: I tried it out for a few minutes and then left it on auto start until the evening to start my first day. Doesn't seem like that short amount of time would throw the average calculation off for a long period of time. Plus all of the usage data for the last few days in the start up month don't show in MyAir so assume not in calculations.
Your first day of use, even if only for a minute, will be included in the compliance calculation. Suppose you have 30 days that are compliant and one that is not. That will give you about 97% compliance. Compliance percentage is defined as the number of days that were compliant.
Apnea Board Monitors are members who help oversee the smooth functioning of the Board. They are also members of the Advisory Committee which helps shape Apnea Board's rules & policies. Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients concerning their treatment.