My OSCAR (ver 1.5.2) has a profile for my main machine-Resmed 11, and also a profile for a recently purchased Lowenstein Prisma. I think my mistake was importing from the Lowenstein SD card while the ResMed profile was active. Oscar was last used the day before with the Resmed SD card and was shut down with the Resmed profile enabled. It’s been two weeks since I used the Lowenstein, and I decided to start testing it again last night. This morning, I started Oscar and imported the Lowenstein SD card. Based on the result. I think I should have switched Oscar to the Loewenstein profile BEFORE importing. This Loewenstein is quite new to me. I used it for a few consecutive nights A few weeks ago then switched back to the Resmed for a few days. Last night I used the Lowenstein again, now here I am with this problem. Because the Resmed was idle on the nights the Lowenstein was used, gaps were left in its data calendar to perfectly accommodate the Lowenstein data. So now when I open the Resmed profile and click through the days, everything looks normal until labding on a night I used the Lowenstein. The Lowenstein data, parameter labeling, events, machine settings, etc are all correctly displayed.
?? Can this be fixed ??
A bit more Info- before clicking to proceed with the import, Oscar indicated it found the Lowenstein SD card. It specifically said LOWENSTEIN. I was surprised it did not “know” which profile this data would best fit in.
ALSO- it changed the name of my RESMED profile to LOWENSTEIN.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Windows 11