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Machine: ResMed Aircurve 10 ASV Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: ResMed Mirage Quattro Humidifier: H5i CPAP Pressure: ASVAuto EPAP 9-15 PS 3-15 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Welcome! Just a hint - if you have trouble with mask links with a beard, you can try chin straps under the mask. I found that some are very effective at stopping leaks. However, bearded men are all different - you will have to experiment.
Machine: Resmed S10 Vauto Mask Type: Hybrid Mask Make & Model: Phillips amara view Humidifier: Part of unit CPAP Pressure: 18/16 CPAP Software: Not using software
Not to revive an old thread. But what I found to work with my mustache and beard is silicone ear plugs. I use the Amara View and it leaks like crazy. I seen these in the store and decided to experiment. I roll a few out into cylinders and put them around my mask where the mask meets my face. When I put the mask on, the silicone softens as it warms to my skin and conforms to my face and beard hairs. I now get no leaks and a mask that works with my beard and mustache.