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Got started on all this a few weeks back, and so far been going well. Only problem I have had is a few nights the bottom of one of my masks moved, and ended up in my mouth. When I awoke, it was like I had been sucking on one of the bottom corners. This has left the memory foam a bit distorted, as it seems to be filled with my saliva. I tried just rinsing it with some warm water, and air drying. It still seems to work, but is a bit nasty. I have since started using the second mask I was given. This morning I remember I need to be cleaning this stuff like once a week, which I keep forgetting about until it is time to put it on in the evening.
From what I have found, you are not to wash this type of mask, as it may damage the memory foam. Obviously with it saturated with saliva, a quick wipe isn't going to do the trick. I saw one post of a person using some baby shampoo. Any other suggestions? I don't want to damage the memory foam anymore, or disturb the glue that holds it in place.
Machine: Resmed Aircurve10 VAUTO Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F40 and Solo Nasal Humidifier: Standard for Resmed Aircurve CPAP Pressure: 9.8/15.6 PS4.8 CPAP Software: ResScan
Machine: Resmed AirSense 10 AutoSet For Her Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed f20 Humidifier: Resmed Integrated humidifier CPAP Pressure: 11/14 CmH2O CPAP Software: Not using software
Other Comments: I started CPAP in 2008. Totally blind since birth.
Since the foam was saturated with saliva, baby wipes wouldn't do the trick. I ended up trying some laundry soap like Woolite, and gently cleaning with lukewarm water. After air drying, it is still a bit deformed, but seems a little better. My main concern was the glue holding it in place, which seems to still be fine. I haven't tried it yet, as I have another good mask.