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12-17-2022, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2022, 09:34 AM by longtermsufferer.)
Mask leak and uncomfortable pressure
I can't even use my machine for more than a few seconds due to the discomfort it causes. It gives a heavy feeling in my chest and feels like there is too much pressure on the inhale. The mask leak test always fails.
My settings/mask are in the sidebar under my username. I have VAuto enabled. I tried it with a low pressure on CPAP but and also made IPAP=EPAP but it's the same issue. I also have a thick beard and moustache, not sure if that is a factor. When I previously had a Phillips Dreamstation, I could somewhat sleep with a nasal mask without this discomfort, but I am concerned that I mouth breathe so want to use a full face mask.
I'm really not sure what to do. Doctor said there is absolutely nothing wrong, but an ENT and my aunt who is a sleep doctor told me that I do possibly have mild apnea/UARS as well as limb movements (I definitely experience the RLS during the day as well). I have a close and distant uncle who were both diagnosed and benefit from CPAPs. Please help.
If it's getting that uncomfortable that fast we want to see what is happening And what your settings are.
Otherwise set min= max=4. The machines minimium and we can start there.
It would be better if range was 4-6
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
12-17-2022, 02:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2022, 02:46 PM by Nightynite.)
RE: Mask leak and uncomfortable pressure
You have to really try to get it right with these mask. “ I have a box full of them”. The best tip I can give you is this. “ Don’t tighten the mask because it leaks “. It’s the opposite!
These mask are designed to flex in order to seal. The soft silicone under pressure expands and completes the seal. It’s opposite what we know in life when something leaks make it tighter.
Be patient, experiment, and make small adjustments. Make these adjustments laying in the sleeping position. Tighten each side equally. It’s a basic individual technique that we all have to master before we can move forward . Keep us posted.