RE: New CPAP User
Welcome Nightro82,
Look forward to hearing more from you.
RE: New CPAP User
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your treatment.
RE: New CPAP User
Hi Knightro82,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
I wish you good luck with your CPAP therapy, hang in there for more responses to your post.
RE: New CPAP User
Good luck and stick with it!
It can definitely feel weird at first to have a hose tied to your face and being connected to a thing next to your bed... Or the disappointment that your body messed up and now you need this thing to sleep... Or that weird feeling you get as it inflates your airway and holds it open...
That morning you wake up giddy because you actually feel RESTED... When you feel your cognitive functions and short term memory sharpening up again... When you don't say to people "I felt like I haven't slept well in years"... All of those things more than make up for (what will become to you too, I promise) the minor inconvenience of The Machine.