When you report a bug, please try to be as detailed as possible, and tell us what you were attempting to do at the time, what happened specifically, and any error messages that you saw on your screen. Thanks so much for your help!
for new forum software
1. [RESOLVED] Need to add path to the current thread (eg Apnea Board Forum / Staff Area / Private Files & Links ) at the bottom of the page (like it is at the top of each page).
2. [RESOLVED] Reply button now defaults to Reply with quote mode, rather than a simple reply.
3. [RESOLVED] The Quote button is really a "Multi-post quote" button. Buttons functions need to be more intuitive.
4. [RESOLVED] When clicking on the "Next Newest" link at the bottom of a thread (or other links that lead to the post ID [PID]), it loads the next newest post incorrectly, cutting off the top few lines in the post, so members must scroll up a bit to see the entire post.
5. [RESOLVED] Prominent Link to Today's Posts is missing
6. [RESOLVED] Prominent link to New Posts is missing.
7. [RESOLVED] Font color hard to read - change to black.
8. [RESOLVED*] On some smaller mobile devices, when viewing results of a search (and also clicking on the Today's Posts and New Posts links), only threads are displayed, and not the links to new individual posts that are normally to the right of the list of threads. Using mobile device in horizontal (landscape) mode seems to help on some mobile devices.
*{not entirely resolved, but this can possibly be solved on the member's mobile device, see this post. If we have other solutions, they will be posted here}
9. [RESOLVED*] On some mobile devices, when looking at Private Messages (PMs), there seems to be a placeholder for each PM, but the PMs themselves are missing. *Even though this is now resolved, on some smaller mobile devices, you can't see the directory tree to the left of PMs. That's because there's no room on such small screens for the directory tree plus the PM list. The problem can be resolved by simply turning the device in horizontal (landscape) mode.
10. [RESOLVED*] Forum/Thread emailed subscription notices don't give a preview of the new post/thread. The text is there saying "Here is an excerpt of the post", but no excerpt is given.
*{The excerpt option in emails has been disabled due to conflicts with other software changes. So the "Here is an excerpt of the post" language has been removed from the email, so now the email alerts the member to new posts and provides a direct link to the new post, so members must click on the link to see the post (no preview is available in the email itself)}.
11. [RESOLVED] Some member profile fields were missing from the left side of their posts. Need to add back the two missing fields.
12. [RESOLVED] The default forum post font should be changed from tahoma back to our old font of verdana and the font color should be changed from dark grey to black.
13. [RESOLVED] When posting a message, the pop-up table of smilies isn't sized correctly.
14. [RESOLVED] When viewing the forum with a mobile device, the forum is not responsive (does not scale down properly). This seems to be a new bug that only occurs when a member is logged into the forum, but does not occur when they are logged out and viewing the forum as a guest).
Last edited: Feb 8, 2017
Apnea Board Administrator
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