Looking back I can see that this type of event has been occurring from time to time, but not to the same extent as seen here. I found this quite scary and decided to magnify a 30 sec interval from a bad area,
And from an area with a more normal RR.
It would seem that I have a abnormal breathing pattern, particularly during the periods of high RR, but also when the RR was at a more normal level. What is happening in the more normal periods is just less extreme so the a whole cycle (large exhale to full inhale) is countered as one event! Looking back to previous nightds trace in which RR was in the normal range, the strange patterns still seen in the latter example are still occurring.
I am using a ResMed F20 mask, with pressure min of 8 and a max of 13. I am using EPR of 2. Most nights have been getting a very low AHI, and in fact it was 0 on the night in question. There are some flow limitations recorded, but they seem to be dealt width by a pressure increase.
I have no idea what is going on, but this cannot be right!