Last night, I set pressure to eight minimum and 12. This resulted in an AHI of 2.2 but LL still at 40 L. I forgot to put the SD card in, but I’m sure my breathing was just as ragged as previous. I have felt fine all day clearheaded and not fatigued
I got my Resmed 10 last September and my AHI has always been under five and mostly under two, so I never investigated Oscar and when I did, I was daunted by its complexity. During this time, and even now, my ODI has been always under five and frequently under two. SP02 has been 99% of the time 94% or greater. Heart rate always under 55 with no unusual features.
I went back and checked Oscar for a few charts each month and found my ragged breathing to be the same as it is now. This is all quite shocking to me as generally I feel just fine each day, sleep soundly and occasionally take 15 minute naps during the day. Perhaps this is due to being in fairly good shape, walking 5 miles through the hills each day and various other exercises.
Anyway it seems I should give the BiPAP a try as you recommended. I found an Aircurve 10 VAuto BiPAP for $899 on Sleeplay web site, brand new.
I have never dealt with them before, but this seems like an unbeatable deal. I would order it tomorrow with overnight delivery.
Seem the way to go?
Many thanks for your help and analysis.
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