I JUST started using my CPAP last week (full mask), and after three nights of a leaky mask and pure misery, I finally got it on tight enough (the data report said that, anyway). Despite that, my "events per hour" number has gone UP over the last three nights. I'm hoping someone here can help me understand what's going on...I talked with the CPAP "coaches" last week when I was having problems, but they were marginally helpful, if at all. I'm going in for foot surgery tomorrow morning (24 hours from now), and they want me to bring the CPAP for the recovery room, but frankly, I think it's making my apnea worse. I also won't be able to be up and about (e.g. to go to a doctor's appointment) for 3-7 days after that.
Main question: Is 37 "events" per hour a lot? When I did my sleep test (at a lab), the guy said I was having 18+ per hour, and that seemed high to me, but 37?! Really?? And I feel like my head is getting foggier and foggier during the day. This doesn't feel right.
Any advice would be welcomed. I'm desperate at this point.