I have been playing around a lot with the settings but I feel like I'm starting to make things worse for myself. I've posted screencaps of some of the data I've got from OSCAR from the first 2 weeks on CPAP and more recently (only attached the nights where I stayed on CPAP for longer than 4-5 hours).
I've started feeling more lethargic in the past 2-3 weeks. When I was first starting CPAP, even though I would wake up constantly in the middle of the night to adjust, I would be full power getting out of bed. Now when I wake up I feel like I want to keep staying in bed and that tiredness carries on throughout the day. It is no where near as bad as prior to starting CPAP (I would feel like fainting after lunch, now its just general lethargy).
I've seen a lot of mixed responses on EPR, I did have to have it on when I was first starting but maybe I should dial it down or even take it off? Appreciate any help thanks.
I am a chronic mouthbreather and experience a lot of dryness so I have humidity and temperature dialled up.