My stats:
- Diagnosed in Jan (home sleep study) with moderate sleep apnea 15 AHI's. Mostly in supine position. There were NO central apneas nor hypopneas.
- New CPAP user (Mar 28). It's been pretty rough.
- Initially APAP set 5-20, which was terrible. Then I tried adjusting after first couple of days.
- Full face mask (Resmed F20) works best for me. I have tried the Resmed P30i and F30, with little success. I breath too much through my mouth.
- Due to numerous CA's and Hypop's sleep doctor ordered an in-lab titration study on 4/26. I wore my F20. Surprisingly, they had everything controlled with just 5.0 CPAP. The sleep doc then prescribed 5.0 CPAP, which is pretty much what I have been doing. Some nights things are better (around 5-7, others worse 10, rare below 5).
I've attached screenshots of OSCAR from last night. Note that I also have the Wellue SleepU pulse oximeter, so you will see oximetry data. There is an overall, a more closeup and closeup screen shots.
Any help to tell me what's really going on would be MUCH appreciated.
Thank you!