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02-22-2023, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2023, 12:20 PM by Too Sleepy.
Edit Reason: accidental insert of images
Too Sleepy's Therapy Thread
I had a previous thread where some helpful people gave me advice to adjust my minimum pressure up to 7cm with an EPR of 3. For reference, my original sleep study AHI was 11 which was comprised of purely hypopneas without significant oxygen desaturation. Effectively you could say that I have UARS.
However, after nearly 8 weeks I still feel tired and I'm getting worse. I looked at my flow rate and the flow graph doesn't ever really look uniform. There are some periods of uniform flow but there's a lot of spikes and 'weird' moments (at least to my eyes).
I'll take a stab here. It does seem like you are experiencing some sort of flow limitation, and your inhale/exhale ratio is consistent with what I have seen with people with UARS (myself included).
Your pressure settings are pretty low, how did you arrive at them? Also, what are your leaks doing all night? Are those centrals correlated with leaks?
Could you post your data for a whole night to see what is going on?
1- I arrived at them by following the trend of the APAP algorithm. When I had the min=4cm there APAP would go to around 7cm and hover there most of the time, and for a while that was the 95% figure. Now that I raised the min to 7cm the 95% pressure is 8.2cm.
2- My leaks are minimal and controlled. I use a chin-strap.
3- I don't think the centrals are related to the leaks.
4- Here is a screenshot of the entire night below.
Do you think the entire time I've been under-titrated? As in, the APAP algorithm has never detected the flow limitations and raised to the appropriate pressure? This is why I'm still tired and getting worse?