3. October:
pMin set at 6,6. Your IPAP pressure goes to around 9 (median 7,92) and your EPAP folows to around 6 (median 4,92) (as it should with EPR at 3).
Leaks hover around 15 - 18 (median 13,2) but never goes to 0
This was with mouth taping.
7. October:
Your try without EPR.
Notice how your leak rate goes up when ever the pressure goes up. More pressure - more leaks. The leaks are near or above the red line when you wake up. You do not wake up every time but many. And from my personal experience the parts without waking up was not a "good" sleep either.
pMin was at 4 but notice the median is 5,8.
15. November:
Your leak median 7,2 with 95% at 10,8. That is within the range where the machine supposedly still should be in control. But my experience is lower is better.
From looking at the charts I would guess that you slept better on 15/11 than 3/10 with almost the same settings but better leak control.
With EPR off you in effect have less leaks but also less pressure. And as you are choking you need more pressure.
If you "control" your leaks by using a "lower" pressure then the therapy becomes less effective.
With no EPR your pressure setting is simple ie. 9. With EPR at 3 then we split it up and IPAP is still 9 but EPAP is only 6. That is why EPR is thought of as a "comfort" feature. Not to downplay it as "less important". You should however only use it if you have a hard time when exhaling. Beware that it comes with a cost: Your IPAP pressure most likely needs to be higher to compensate for the relief.
You only have 3 parameters you can adjust: Leaks, Pressure (IPAP) and EPR (EPAP). And it would be best to do it in that order. If you leak too much you do not get the correct pressure and the machine will have a hard time helping you.
In effect you have done it the other way around. You have adjusted the machine so low that leaks are not the problem. You have then reached your local optimum.
You have stated that choking is the problem. If we have fixed the external parameters such as not sleeping on your back then the only thing we can do is ensure a higher pressure. If you really cannot exhale then by all means use EPR. But it should be the last parameter to adjust. It is for comfort. If you are not comfortable you cannot sleep hence everything else is void.
So with or without EPR you need a higher pMin. The lowest acceptable pMin for you will probably be lower and more comfortable without EPR. But the point is that you need more pressure to get better therapy.
So in your situation the only thing to do is raise pMin until it can control your airways. If leaks gets worse with higher pressure this absolutely needs to be fixed. So while your leaks currently might be inside an acceptable range it does not help us. The question is what happens to them relatively when you increase pressure. You are then loosing the effect of the pressure. Your therapy will become as you have found almost not worth it.
A pressure around 6-8 is low and it should be possible to get it leak free especially with mouth taping.
But looking at your own data it can be frustrating as what is "normal". Leaks are the enemy an should ideally be 0. You can see my chart below for comparison. It is possible to get close to 0.