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Help with deep sleep and general data (Lowenstein Prisma)
Hello, hope you all can help. I've been using a lowenstein prisma with nasal pillows for 6 months and although the numbers seem good (i think...), I'm still so sleepy in the morning and often during the day. I notice big fluctuations in my deep sleep (compare high deep sleep picture to vs low deep sleep picture) and overall events but not sure how accurate this data is? I've also noticed an increase in RERA events where I used to have a lot of vibratory snores instead. My AHI in my sleep study was 60 and now I'm averaging 0.5/1 so it's obviously doing something.
My settings are:
Apap min 7, max 20
Humidity/ heat level 3
Any suggestions why my deep sleep fluctuates heavily, why I'm seeing an increase in RERA events (also what do they mean?) and any suggestions on improvements to make to my settings/ general observations?
Thanks in advance - my doctor/ service don't seem to care other than saying 'the numbers look good'.
Machine: Lowenstein Luisa Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Quattro FX Humidifier: separate F&P humidifier CPAP Pressure: Epap 4-20 PS 4-20; "auto" rate CPAP Software: Not using software
Other Comments: Using 45 degree angle upper body wedge (36"x36") and 4.5"soft cervical collar; 500 assured tidal vol
RE: Help with deep sleep and general data (Lowenstein Prisma)
Welcome to ApneaBoard, Usernameissleepy2396. You have some mask leaks (not too terribly bad, but they could be contributing to your problem of deep sleep). Try these tips to see if anything improves in your OSCAR charts.
Settings might be able to be tweaked a little bit later, but try this first.
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RE: Help with deep sleep and general data (Lowenstein Prisma)
Thanks Jay51. Strange because I don’t notice any leaking at all (apart from when I tried a full face mask and couldn’t get a seal due to facial hair) but looking at that chart there does seem to be some correlation. I’ll try loosening my nasal pillow fit and see if that helps at all.
RE: Help with deep sleep and general data (Lowenstein Prisma)
Tried those updated settings and tried loosening my nasal pillow but I think I loosened too much and had some leakage and quite a disturbed sleep. Will give it another try tonight.