Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
Hi all, totally new to this and planning to buy a Dreamstation CPAP.
I am getting a good deal on a Dreamstation where everything is brand new (it came as part of the recall) EXCEPT the humidifier, which the private seller is telling me has been used just a few months.
Given how "private" and "personal" such devices are, I wanted to know if it is gross to use a used humidifier?
Is there a chance of contamination? I mean I will be sure to clean the humidifier thoroughly but still, is it gross?
New humidifiers run about $190, almost half the cost of what I am paying!
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
The humidifier does not touch the user. If another person had used it, it would be the same as if you used it. I would clean it if it needs it, but it doesn't sound gross.
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
The humidifier is nothing more than a storage tank and never comes into contact with the user. It is not like a mask that does contact with the user. I wouldn't worry about it.
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
Nohing wrong with using a used machine or humidifier, but the humidifier tub can be purchased for less than $16 on Amazon. Just get a new Dreamstation Water Chamber.
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
My answer isn't any different: it just holds water over which air passes to moisturize the passing air. Nobody breathes into it.
When you get it, if you still opt to for some reason, simply spray its interior and exterior with a tub 'n tile cleaner that has bleach and detergent, let it sit for two whole minutes, then use a toothbrush or something like it to gently scrub the surfaces you can easily reach. Rinse well...three times. Then fill it and insert it into the machine.
That's it!
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
When I got a "loner" CPAP machine while mine was in for warranty work, it had a new reservoir on the loaner.
When I went to pick up my machine and return the loaner, they gave me the reservoir that was on the loaner because, due to health reasons, they could not reuse it.
I ended up with a free reservoir.
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
What everyone else says!
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
Just clean it real good. It’s probably cleaner than the plate and silverware at your favorite restaurant for comparison.
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
(05-05-2022, 03:54 PM)Nightynite Wrote: Just clean it real good. It’s probably cleaner than the plate and silverware at your favorite restaurant for comparison.
Aw geez, why did you have to go and say that and remind me.
RE: Is Buying Used Humidifier Gross?
Actually, your favourite restaurant - if it's in a sensible city - has to dunk the plates and silverware in a disinfectant solution,,, so at least the grease spots are sterile
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