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Developed depression in my 20s. The kind where your sleep patterns are so messed up that you stay up until you pass out, then wake up at 7pm for another round of a wasted day. Finally got around to getting it diagnosed in my late 30s along with generalized anxiety and I've been slowly chipping away at better overall health since. Some antidepressants, some Wegovy, a little bit of therapy and (hardly any) exercise later and I'm still struggling with sleep, tiredness, the usual.
Paid out of pocket for a sleep study last month and first night was an AHI of 9.5, second was 15.5. So I gambled on an Airsense 10 and a Dreamwear hybrid mask to see if that helped.
Still trying to get the mask just right. I will probably spring for an AirFit F20 since facial hair and restless sleeping make me feel like I don't get the Dreamwear just right enough. But overall I've been able to wake up without feeling like I'm exhausted. I don't hit a wall at 11am and 1pm when I'm at work, don't crash for 2 hours during the weekend, don't feel like I'm fighting to stay awake when driving home.
I think it's working! Now maybe I can get my insurance to pay back some of that out of pocket that got me started.
I'm attaching the last 3 nights, just to make sure I'm not doing anything terrible.
Your minimum pressure is too low, try these settings and get back with some follow up OSCAR Reports.
Pressure Minimum: 7.6 cmH2O
Pressure Maximum: 12.0 cmH2O
EPR: on, Full time.
EPR: 2 cmH2O
Your leaks need a little attention, please review the Mask Primer. Be sure to read all the information down to and including "How to achieve the perfect mask fit - GUARANTEED! by Jeffy1958" Jeffy 1958 did a really good job putting all of the information together. Remember Tighter is not always better when it comes to mask fit.